Iraq says it has arrested top Islamic State group leader – Times of India

Baghdad: Iraq said on Monday that it had detained a top leader of Islamic State The group and longtime al-Qaeda operative in cross-border operations.
Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi tweeted the news, identifying the person as Sami Jassimo, which oversees the financial operations of the Islamic State group and served as deputy leader of IS under the late Abu Bakr. al-baghdadi.
Al-Kadhimi described it as one of the “toughest” cross-border intelligence operations undertaken by Iraqi forces.
Jassim is headed by a $5 million reward from the US State Department’s Rewards for Justice program, which describes him as “assistant in managing finances for IS terrorist operations”.
The website says, “While serving as an IS deputy in southern Mosul in 2014, Jassim allegedly served as the finance minister’s counterpart to the IS group, fighting the illegal sale of oil, gas, antiquities and minerals to the group. supervised the revenue-generating functions of the
Iraqi intelligence officials told The Associated Press that Jasim was detained in an identified foreign country and taken to Iraq a few days earlier. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to put the operation on record.
Jasim worked with al-Qaeda in Iraq’s leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian terrorist who was killed in a US airstrike in Iraq in 2006. He has held various security positions in Iraq, and moved to Syria in 2015 after the Islamic State group. The al-Qaeda branch, declared its caliphate in 2014 and became a deputy of the extremist group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Al-Baghdadi was killed in a US-led raid in northwestern Syria in 2019 under former US President Donald Trump.


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