Iraqi protesters begin withdrawal after Sadr calls for an end to deadly clashes – Times of India

Baghdad: Iraqi supporters of powerful cleric Muktada sadri Return from Baghdad begins on Tuesday green area When he sought an end to fighting between rival Shiite forces and the army, 23 people were killed and hundreds were wounded.
Violence that erupted on Monday pitted Sadr loyalists against Shia factions backed by neighboring Iran, with the sides exchanging bullets at barricades, turning up violence. United Nations Warned of taking the risk of leading a war-ravaged country to anarchy.
Moments after Sadar’s speech was broadcast live on television, his supporters began to leave the green zone, and minutes later, the military lifted the nationwide curfew.
Sadr, a gray-bearded preacher with millions of devoted followers who led a militia against American and Iraqi government forces after the US-led dictator was overthrown in 2003. Saddam HusseinHe gave followers “60 minutes” to retreat after which he threatened to “reject” those who remained.
“I apologize to the Iraqi people who have been affected by the incidents,” Sadar told reporters from his base in the central Iraqi city of Najaf.
tension has increased Iraq In the midst of a political crisis that has left the country without a new government, prime minister or president for months.
They escalated after Sadar’s supporters stormed the government palace inside the high-security green zone on Monday afternoon following an announcement that he would quit politics.
Throughout the night, the green zone containing government buildings and diplomatic missions was targeted amid angry protests after Sadar surprised many by announcing his “fixed retirement”.
Clashes continued on Tuesday morning with heavy blasts of rocket-propelled grenades as Iraqi forces integrated into Iraqi forces as Sadr’s supporters and Tehran-backed ex-paramilitary forces, Hashed al-Shaabi, clashed.
The UN mission in Iraq warned of “an extremely dangerous escalation” and that all sides should “avoid activities that could lead to an unstoppable chain of events”.
“The very existence of the state is at stake,” it warned.
On Tuesday morning, doctors said 23 supporters of Sadar were killed and 380 others were injured, some of whom were shot and some were fired with tear gas.
Mass funerals were held in the Shiite holy city of Najaf on Tuesday for some of the protesters killed in Baghdad.
Eyewitnesses had earlier said that supporters of Sadr’s loyalists and rival Shia bloc, pro-Iran coordination frameworkFire was exchanged.
The Framework condemned the “attack on state institutions”, urging the Saddarists to engage in dialogue.
care taker Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhemi said that “security or military forces, or armed men” were prohibited from firing at the demonstrators.
United States of america It also urged calm amid “disturbing” reports, while France called on “parties to exercise extreme restraint”.
Shortly after Sadr announced his resignation, his followers stormed the Republican Palace in Baghdad, where cabinet meetings usually take place.
Sadar, a long-time player in the war-torn country’s political scene, although he himself has never been directly in government, announced he was leaving politics two days later, calling on “all parties” to help him. Government posts should be given up. Solving the political crisis.
His faction emerged as the largest in the legislature with 73 seats in last year’s election, but fell short of a majority.
In June, his lawmakers resigned to break the impasse, leading the coordination framework to become the largest bloc.
Iraq has been mired in a political stalemate since legislative elections in October last year due to disagreements between Shia factions over forming a coalition.
Sadr’s supporters have been protesting outside Iraq’s parliament for weeks, demanding fresh elections after they stormed the legislature on July 30.
The coordination framework wants a new head of government to be appointed before any new elections.