Is daily coffee good for the heart? Here is the truth. The Times of India

Although two to three cups of coffee a day seemed to be the most favorable overall, Kistler said people should not increase their coffee intake, especially if it makes them feel anxious or uncomfortable. “There are a whole range of mechanisms through which coffee may reduce mortality and have these favorable effects on heart disease,” he said. “Coffee drinkers need to be reassured that they can continue to enjoy coffee even if they have heart disease. Coffee is the most common cognitive enhancer – it wakes you up, makes you mentally sharper and it’s one of many people’s daily routines.” A very important component of life.” So how can coffee beans benefit the heart? People often compare coffee to caffeine, but coffee beans actually contain more than 100 biologically active compounds. Kistler said these substances may help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity, boost metabolism, inhibit fat absorption, and block receptors associated with abnormal heart rhythms. can do. In the third study, researchers looked at whether there was a difference in the relationship between coffee and cardiovascular disease, depending on whether someone drank instant or ground coffee or caffeinated or decaf. They found, once again, two to three cups a day the lowest risk of arrhythmias, associated with blockage in the heart arteries, stroke or heart failure, regardless of whether they had ground or instant coffee. Mortality was observed to be lower in all types of coffee. Decaf coffee did not have a favorable effect against incident arrhythmias, but did reduce heart disease, with the exception of heart failure. Kistler said the findings suggest that caffeinated coffee is preferable across the board, and that there are no cardiovascular benefits to choosing decaffeinated coffee.

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