“Is India Still The ‘Mother Of Democracy’?”, Yechury Hits Out At Government Over IT Action Against BBC

Marxist Party leader Sitaram Yechury (file photo)

New Delhi:

The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) on Tuesday hit out at the central government over the pending department’s “raids” on BBC’s claim in Communist India and questioned whether India is still the “mother of democracy”. CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury tweeted, “First ban the BBC documentary. No inquiry on JPC/Investigation in Adani case. Now on to the BBC forgery. India: Mother of Democracy?

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Communist Party of India MP Vinay Viswam said that this action of the claims department is an attempt to learn the voice of truth. He also claimed that it was not a ‘survey’ but a ‘raiding’ action. Worldum tweeted, “BBC raided! The voice of truth has been told. The world is watching. When Prime Minister Modi is chairing the G20, what will she say about India’s record in the matter of freedom of the press? Does he tell the truth like this?

The illegal department on Tuesday conducted a ‘survey operation’ for the BBC in Delhi and Mumbai as part of an alleged theft probe. The officers provided this information. The surprise move comes weeks after the 2002 Gujarat riots and the British broadcaster aired a two-part documentary in India.

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(Apart from the headline, this news has not been contested by the ANDITV team, it has been published directly from the syndicate.)

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