Is it ok to drink coffee in summer? Advantages and disadvantages of drinking coffee

Ask any coffee lover, life seems incomplete without coffee. Have it in the morning to kick start the day or in between long working hours a cup of coffee is always a hit. But, unfortunately, the buzz around coffee can be controversial. If you search the internet, you will find that people have different views on coffee. While some link it to major diseases, some say that coffee is good for your health. In fact, our knowledge of coffee continues to evolve. With so much mystery surrounding the drink, it is often difficult to differentiate between fact and fiction. One of the most common questions remains – whether or not to drink coffee in the summer months. We thought of looking into some facts to find the right answer for you. let’s get started.

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Is it ok to drink coffee in summer?

make your plan summer diet Not always straight. The season can bring forth various health concerns that need to be considered while deciding what to eat. For example, curd (yogurt) can be a great food choice for summers, but individuals with arthritis are often advised to avoid it because of its ability to cause inflammation. Similarly, coffee is another food item that needs to be considered. According to consultant nutritionist Rupali Dutta, coffee contains caffeine, which is known to be diuretic in nature. This can lead to loss of excess fluid in the body which can lead to dehydration. “However, several studies have debunked the notion that coffee is dehydrated processIn fact, says Dutta, if consumed in moderation, it can easily become a part of your healthy diet. “It’s totally okay to consume coffee during the summer,” she adds.

How Much Coffee Is Too Much Coffee?

According to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a healthy adult should consume no more than 400 mg. coffee A day, that’s about four to five cups of the drink. However, this amount can vary from person to person, depending on their metabolic rate and their sensitivity to coffee. Therefore, we always recommend you to consult an expert to understand the right dosage of coffee per day.

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Side effects of excessive coffee consumption:

As the legends say, “Excess of everything is bad”. is not different for coffee, Drinking too much coffee can cause many health problems. We have listed some of the major side effects of drinking excess coffee to keep an eye out for.

1. Dehydration:

Coffee is a diuretic beverage, which means, if consumed in excess, it can lead to excess fluid loss through urination and sweating. These factors can lead to dehydration in the summer season.

2. Restlessness :

Several studies have linked excessive coffee consumption to anxiety, restlessness, and nervousness. This is because caffeine is a stimulant, which causes an excessive adrenaline rush.

3. Insomnia:

Caffeine has long been linked to insomnia. It is a natural psychostimulant that fills us with energy and interferes with the sleep cycle. Hence, many of us often consume coffee during odd working hours to stay energized and going.

4. Digestive Problems:

This problem is directly related to the problem of sleeplessness. Metabolism slows down due to lack of rest in our body. This further causes indigestion, acidity, bloating and many other gut-related problems.

5. Muscle breakdown:

According to several studies, people who consume excessive amounts of caffeine may develop rhabdomyolysis – a health problem where instead of repairing damaged muscles, they break down further.

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Keeping all the above factors in mind, we say, don’t skip coffee consumption completely during summers. Instead, have it in moderation to enjoy its goodness to the fullest. Click here for some of our favorite coffee recipes for summer.

enjoy your drink!

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your own physician for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.