Is it okay to yell at your kids? , The Times of India

It is important to know if you can raise your voice depending on the age of your child. Toddlers are unlikely to understand the logic of yelling and will only absorb the fury. When parents yell at children they create fear, which prevents children from recognizing that their parents are trying to protect them.

Observe how your child reacts after yelling and yelling. If your yelling leads to negative consequences then you have to control yourself. For some children, a yell is just a parent speaking out loud, while others may take it too personally and feel hurt.

There are times when raising your voice is great and even necessary. This can happen if your kids are hitting each other or making some dangerous attempt that could injure them or anyone else around. These are instances when shouting shocks them, but once you get the child’s attention you should modify your voice. Basically, shout to warn, but speak to explain.

If you find yourself yelling all the time and every day, we have a problem that needs control. Failing to do this on a daily basis and constantly yelling and yelling is probably a less than productive long-term parenting strategy.

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