Is NeoCov a new covid version? Should we be worried? what doctors say

According to a study by Chinese researchers, NeoCov, a type of coronavirus that spreads among bats in South Africa, could pose a threat to humans in the future. A recent peer-reviewed study to be posted on the preprint repository BioRxiv shows that niokov It is closely related to Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), a viral disease first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012. The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that further studies are needed to determine the danger of NeoCov to humans.

The NeoCov. What do doctors say about

What is Neokov?

NeoCov is not SARS-CoV-2, but is related to the MERS coronavirus (Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus), a zoonotic virus, which means it is transmitted between animals and people. “Neokov virus is similar to MERS virus, which is also coronavirus But different from the COVID-19 virus,” said Dr. Critical Care Consultant at PD Hinduja Hospital and Medical Research Centre. Bharesh Dedhia said.

Can NeoCov affect humans?

“Neokov has only been seen in bats and has been there for some time. There is no data to suggest human transmission and should not be cause for concern or concern. Dr Vasant Nagvekar, Infectious Disease Consultant at Global Hospital Parel Mumbai said, whatever the literature says so far, transmission is unlikely.

It has only been reported in bats and has not yet been observed in humans.

“Whether the virus will pose a risk to humans and how contagious or dangerous it is will require further study,” said Dr Tripti Gilda, Consultant Physician in Infectious Diseases, Masina Hospital, Mumbai.

Should we worry?

We should be concerned about any new variants that might emerge, but there is no need to worry. Even MERS, which infected people, ended in 2013, and did not cause widespread infections or large numbers of deaths. “Even NeoCov has not infected any human being. So, I don’t think there is any reason to be concerned or panic right now. Dr Bharesh Dedhia, Critical Care Consultant at PD Hinduja Hospital and Medical Research, said, “We have to keep our guard on, wear our masks and all the routine things that we have followed so far, including social distancing and avoiding large crowds. Avoidance is involved.” Center,

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