Is the cold weather prompting you to overeat? Here’s How To Stop It

Winter weather can tempt us to stay inside and mindlessly snack on unhealthy foods

Studies have shown that people tend to eat more during the winter season, and there are a few possible reasons for this increased appetite. Most people would agree that winter is the time of year for robust, rich dishes. The cold winter diet consists mainly of hearty, carb-heavy foods, sweet desserts and creamy sauces. In winter, many people also claim that they feel more hungry, crave more food and have a greater desire to snack.

Winter was a dangerous season in the past, long before people could buy a variety of food whenever they wanted at their neighborhood grocery store and lived in climate-controlled, well-insulated homes.

The amount of food available during the colder months depends on the harvest in the fall, and if those supplies run out, new ones are hard to come by unless you are extremely wealthy. Which is why it’s possible that our biological constitution is deeply attuned to the need to depend on food at the first sign of cold weather.

Apart from the instinctive need to eat more in winter, it may also be done to keep oneself warm. Food makes us hot and can lead to chronic snacking habits. Besides, winter is often gloomy for most of us. This leads to overeating as a way to boost serotonin.

All these factors combined result in overeating in winter. Now that we understand the factors, we can better deal with winter overeating. In this article, let us discuss the ways by which we can avoid overeating in this cozy season.

Here are some tips to avoid overeating in winters:

1. Get Enough Sunlight

The shorter days and lack of sunlight of winter can cause a drop in serotonin levels, which can lead to carbohydrate binges as a result of wanting to give the brain the chemical lift. To get the most light during the winter, spend some time near windows and ride outside. Make sure that your dining room and kitchen have plenty of light so that you are not eating or cooking in a dimly lit area.

2. Eat More Fiber

Both of these benefits of fiber, which fills you up and can promote bowel movements, are important in the winter, when overall physical fitness declines. Try to consume 30 grams of fiber per day, along with foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, lentils, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

3. Stay Hydrated

Water intake has a profound effect on every element of life, including appetite and physical performance. When dehydration masquerades as hunger, many people overeat when they really don’t need to. Always keep a bottle of water with you, and if you want to add a little flavor, use fresh or frozen fruit. Be sure to assess your hunger whenever you reach for a meal. If you’ve just eaten, your need to snack may simply be due to thirst.

4. Increase Protein Intake

Whether you’re trying to gain or lose weight, protein should be a staple of your diet. Consuming protein helps you metabolize more calories than eating fat or carbohydrates, which is the best part of it. Protein intake also promotes muscle growth and recovery.

5. Eat Mood-Boosting Foods

How we feel is affected by what we eat. While you may think that a big packet of chips or a bag of cupcakes will do the trick, there are actually several healthy options that can help you survive the winter. Bananas, strawberries, dark chocolate, nuts, bell peppers and avocados are good snacks.

6. Don’t keep unhealthy foods around

To get your favorite treat, prepare yourself to bear the winter weather and walk outside. As a result, you will not be tempted to indulge again and again. Naturally, though, fill your home with a variety of nutritious foods. As a result, when you go to the kitchen for breakfast, you will choose healthier options instead of junk food.

7. Workout

Working out on these windy days can seem like a nightmare. however, they are absolutely necessary. Sometimes it can be difficult to go outside in the winter. But if you can find winter activities that you can participate in while wearing appropriate clothing for the weather, it can be a great way to get your heart rate up, which can help you lose weight and lift your spirits. A great way to.

These tips will help you keep your diet under control and avoid overeating during the winter season.

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your own physician for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.

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