Is this Nigerian teen the next female golf prodigy? – Henry Club

“(My father) was quite surprised by my question,” she said. “He asked me if I really wanted to play this game and I said, ‘Yes,’ and he gave me a coach and I started playing golf.”

The rest was history.

Essien entered her first competition that same year and proved to be a natural, placing first in her age group. “I found that really cool,” she said.

“I am really proud to represent my country as I am making a name for myself and for my country,” she said.

At the end of July, Essien finished second in the Under 19 girls’ division. Champion of Champions World Championship in Northern Ireland. “It was a really good experience for me,” she said. Leaving the first five strokes behind, Essen says he is proud of how he played.

“Everything happens for a reason – whether you come second or third, it means you’re getting closer and closer to first,” she said, adding that the experience of playing on the world-famous course was a victory in itself. Was. “The fact that I could play on the same course as Rory McIlroy played and be in the vicinity of all that was really important to me.”

As she continues to make a name for herself and her country, Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari is taking notice. After the tournament, the President’s adviser issued a statement saying that Buhari, “joins all Nigerians in celebrating this great teenager who is doing so much for the country.”

“It was really unexpected, and I appreciate it,” Essien told CNN in response.

after his dreams

Time and again, Essien has proven that she is not afraid of a challenge. While she often finds herself competing against older players, she says it actually “gave me even more motivation to do better.”

She says her positivity and drive is inspired by her biggest role model, Tiger Woods.

“He has shown great resilience in the sport,” he said, noting his efforts to push through a series of injuries and career setbacks. “He just keeps playing golf and he really loves the game, even if it’s not winning.”

Essien isn’t the first Nigerian golfer to look elsewhere for role models. Georgia oohThe first Nigerian to play on the Ladies European Tour, she previously told CNN she would have to turn to tennis to find inspirational athletes.
This is partly because golf is far from the most popular sport in Nigeria. According to the Nigerian Golf Federation, there are only 58 courses in country. In 2012, it was estimated that there were only about 200,000 golfers Out of a population of over 200 million people (by comparison, more than 25 million Americans played golf in the same year).

Essien says the absence of a more established golfing program has been challenging, especially when it comes to financing.

She says her family has been “important” in funding her career, but it has been a “struggle” and she believes, “If I had a bigger pot to work with, I would have worked for years.” I would have won more tournaments and won more trophies.”

To pursue more opportunities, Essien, who was born in New York State but grew up in Nigeria, moved back to the US in 2021 to enroll at Taft School in Watertown, Connecticut.

Essien attended the British Open to see his role model Tiger Woods compete in the tournament.

“The competition is high (in the US),” Essien said. On an average day, the teenager says she usually practices for three hours after class, and it can be difficult to navigate the delicate dance between building a professional career and being an “average” teen.

“Sometimes I really really want to hang out with my friends and just relax and be basically a teenager. But there are priorities too. I have to remember that if I want to golf or get high in school If so, I have to put in the time to work,” she said.

inspiration to the next generation

In addition to becoming a golf pro, Essien wants to pursue a degree in engineering with a specialization in artificial intelligence.

“I hope to get a golf scholarship to a (top) university … and if it becomes possible, I hope to play in the LPGA,” she said.

With a budding career ahead, she hopes to pave the way for other Nigerians to follow in her footsteps.

“I hope that my achievements and where I am in golf can really inspire Nigerians who want to play golf,” she said, leaving aspiring golfers with this piece of advice: “Work hard and Have a good mindset because everything happens for a reason and in due course, everything will turn out according to you.”