Is your diet fad or fab? Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar is here to spill the beans

Each food item is different and special as far as its components are concerned. For example, fresh lime water is perfect for summer, Sweet made with carrot For most people, it becomes a comfort food when sweater weather sets in and a nutritious plate full of rice and lentils for dinner ensures a sound sleep. Many of us take suggestions from our friends, family or even the internet to create a diet that we think is best suited for us. But have you ever wondered whether the food you eat is actually a nutritious diet or just a fad? Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar talks about recognizing if your food is part of a “fad diet trend” in her latest Instagram video. Nutritionists talk about the importance of traditional foods including seasonal sweets or dishes prepared during festivals.

Rujuta always encourages to eat simple home cooked food

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Rujuta says that if your diet plan is just a fad, then you are going in the wrong direction. Nutritionists say that a fad diet plan – one that promises instant weight loss – may give you quick results but is unhealthy and doesn’t help you in the long run. Your diet should be sustainable, she adds.

In the video, she mentions three ways to identify a fad diet plan:

1. If you’re on a fad diet, the first way to notice is if in your diet you’re eating one food group, while ignoring others. This is wrong and unhealthy. “If you classify your foods as only “calories,” “fats,” or “proteins,” she says, and ignore the others, you’re in trouble. Sometimes, people follow their diet plans. Quitting sugar altogether, even as she doesn’t call it a wise decision.

2. A fad diet plan often picks up a nutritional tip from your culture or traditional cuisine and extends it. She says that you can follow a healthy diet plan if you were initially fasting once a month, and if you start fasting frequently to skip meals or suddenly increase your intake of certain foods. are not. For example, Rujuta gives the example of using turmeric while cooking and says that it is not good for health to suddenly stop eating it or consume it in excess.

3. “Avoid weighing everything you cook in the kitchen or the food you eat,” says Rujuta, indicating you’re on a fad diet.

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She says your diet plan should be built around the four C’s: common sense, culture, cuisine and climate. If you follow this, you will find yourself with a healthy diet.

Making too many dietary changes in your lifestyle for immediate results is not a healthy option. Always choose your food wisely.
