Is your grain mixed with datura? take a test to find out

In the past few years, food adulteration has become an increasingly concern. Whether it is our everyday vegetables that can be sprayed with colours, milk mixed with water or canned foods mixed in – these things often make us question what we eat on a daily basis. As this concern grows, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has taken the initiative to inform the public about it and conduct simple at-home tests to check for food adulteration. Recently, she took to Instagram to show how you can check if your food grains are adulterated with ‘Datura’.

(Also read: 5 plant based foods rich in Vitamin A to include in your daily diet as per FSSAI,

For those unaware, Datura, also known as Jimson weed, is a poisonous flowering plant. According to a research published in the ‘Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine’, “ingestion of Dathura produces symptomatic symptoms. Dry mouth, an intense thirst develops, vision becomes blurred with major mydriasis and increased heart rate.” This is followed by hallucinations, delirium, and loss of motor coordination that can eventually lead to death from respiratory failure.”

So, how to check if your cereal is adulterated with datura? Check out Simple Test by FSSAI.

How to check if your cereal is adulterated with datura?

All you have to do is take a small flat plate and put the cereal in it. Now, you need to look for any blackish-brown flat seeds. If any of these are found, then those seeds are called Datura. If you don’t see any, your cereal is not adulterated.

Watch FSSAI’s video here:

Earlier, FSSAI had posted a video on how to find out if your cloves are mixed with roasted cloves. For this you have to fill a glass with water and some cloves. Unadulterated cloves will sink to the bottom of the glass, while others will float to the surface of the water. Watch the test here:

Get this test done today and let us know if there is any adulteration in your everyday things.
