Israeli airstrike kills 2 top Islamic Jihad commanders – Times of India

Gaza City, Gaza Strip: An israeli air raid Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad killed a senior commander, fighters said on Sunday, their second leader to be killed amid cross-border conflict.
Saturday night murder Khalid MansoorA day after another Israeli attack killed the militant’s commander in the north, who led Iran-backed Islamic Jihad’s operations in the southern Gaza Strip. Already, at least 29 Palestinians have been killed in fighting and rockets have been seen shooting Israel In the worst violence between Israel and Palestinian militants since the end of the 11-day war in 2021.
Meanwhile, tensions may rise as Jews mark a holy day that will see ultranationalist Israeli lawmakers visiting a sensitive holy site in Jerusalem that Jews refer to as the Temple Mount and Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary. Is known. Such visits can be frequent flashpoints for violence between Israel and the Palestinians.
Islamic Jihad’s al-Quds brigade confirmed on Sunday that Mansoor and two fellow militants were killed in an airstrike in the southern Gaza city of Rafa. Militants said civilians were also killed in the attack as several houses were damaged.
On Sunday, Gaza’s health ministry said 29 people, including six children and four women, had been killed in fighting in the coastal strip so far. It said at least 253 people were injured.
Israel estimates that about 15 terrorists have been killed in its airstrikes.
Islamic Jihad militants continued to fire rockets toward Israel and Israeli forces continued airstrikes on Gaza, although the intensity of exchanges appeared to be waning early on Sunday.
On Sunday, Jews mark Tisha Bav, a gloomy day of fasting that marks the destruction of biblical temples and brings thousands to Jerusalem for prayer. By morning, Israeli police said several hundred Jews had already climbed Temple Mount, or Noble Sanctuary.
Police described the situation as calm as Jews prayed at the Western Wall, which is believed to be the holiest site where Jews can pray.
In Palestinian cities and towns in the West Bank, Israeli security forces said they detained around 19 people suspected of having links to Islamic Jihad during overnight raids. Israeli forces said their soldiers were not hurt in the raid, which saw them using “rioting methods” as Palestinians threw stones and improvised bombs, as well as fired at their forces.
Battle Israel by a senior . started with the murder of Islamic Jihad Commander Israel said on Friday in a wave of attacks that were meant to avert an imminent attack.
Hamas, the major extremist group that governs Gaza, remains on the edge of the conflict for now, limiting its response. Israel and Hamas fought a war barely a year ago, one of four major conflicts and several smaller battles in the past 15 years that took a staggering toll on the poor region’s 2 million Palestinian residents.
The Israeli military said several civilians, including children, were killed in a misguided rocket fired by Palestinian militants late Saturday in the northern Gaza city of Jabaliya. The military said it had investigated the incident and concluded “without any doubt” that it was caused by a misfire on the part of Islamic Jihad. There was no official Palestinian comment on the incident.
A Palestinian medical worker who spoke on condition of anonymity said he was not allowed to speak to reporters, adding that the blast killed at least six people, including three children.
An Israeli airstrike killed a 75-year-old woman and injured six others on Saturday as they were preparing to attend a wedding. The airstrikes also destroyed several homes in the Gaza Strip, some of which belonged to Islamic Jihad members.
The only power plant in the Gaza Maidan came to a standstill on Saturday afternoon due to a lack of fuel. Israel has closed its crossing point in Gaza since Tuesday. With the new disruption, Gazans could only use electricity for four hours a day, increasing their reliance on private generators and deepening the region’s chronic power crisis amid the extreme heat.