ISRO to launch 3 satellites with PSLV-C52 in 2022

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) today launched PSLV-C52 rocket carrying ISRO’s earth observation satellite EOS-04 and two others from Sriharikota.

According to ISRO, “PSLV-C52 is designed to orbit an Earth Observation Satellite (EOS-04), weighing 1710 kg, in a 529 km Sun Synchronous Polar Orbit.

The PSLV-C52 mission will also carry two small satellites as co-passengers including a student satellite (INSPIRESat-1) from the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) in collaboration with the Laboratory of Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado, Boulder. is included. and a Technology Demonstrator Satellite (INS-2TD) of ISRO, which is a precursor to the India-Bhutan Joint Satellite (INS-2B).

EOS-04 is a radar imaging satellite designed to provide high quality images in all weather conditions for applications such as agriculture, forestry and plantation, soil moisture and hydrology, and flood mapping.

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