ISRO’s target: 10% stake in global space economy Bengaluru News – Times of India

ISRO’s new chief S Somnath (Photo: Union Minister Jitendra Singh/Twitter)

Bengaluru: ISRO Chairman S Somnatho said in Bengaluru on Monday that the agency is eyeing to increase India’s share in the global space economy from around 2% to double-digit numbers.
Speaking at the 75th Independence Day Celebrations ISRO Headquarters, he said: “…what lies ahead is more important than what we have accomplished.” Expressing the desired growth path of various institutions for the next 25 years, he said that the vision of the Department of Space was: “To see our share (growth) of the space economy from a low of 2% of the global economy to a high value of 10% ..
“To achieve this over the next few years, he believed that there is a need for drastic structural changes in the way the department works. Somnath observed tremendous growth in business opportunities in the space sector and said that the people There is a need to work in this direction by enabling .with right aptitude and capability.
“While ISRO and DoS are making great strides in technology development… we will look at the private ecosystem to enhance business transactions in the space sector,” he said.

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