Italy’s ruling parties agree Mattarella should remain president – Henri Club

After seven rounds of ballots, Italy’s “grand electors”—members of parliament and regional representatives—are charged with selecting a new president. process in which the general public is not directly involved – It seems that consent has been obtained to be in position in Mattarella.

Mattarella was elected president of Italy in 2015 and his seven-year term is set to end on 3 February. However, the 80-year-old had previously denied remaining in the post and made no public comment on Saturday amid speculation that he would remain. President. CNN reached out for comment, but did not receive an immediate response.

“The Italians do not deserve more days of delusion,” League party leader Matteo Salvini said in a statement. Of the names that Salvini submitted as potential replacements last week, none have received the required absolute majority.

“I have made several proposals, all high-level, all rejected by the Left,” Salvini said in the statement, “We confirm President Mattarella in the Quirinale (Presidential Palace) and Draghi in the government.”

Mattarella is a name that could be approved by almost all political parties in Italy, based on statements from party leaders released on Saturday.

“Matarella (country) represents unity, I am very pleased with the choice,” Enrico Letta, secretary of the centre-left Democratic Party, told reporters outside parliament on Saturday.

Progressive Party Article One secretary Roberto Speranza said in a tweet, “It is a matter of great pleasure #Mattarella.”

Silvio Berlusconi, the head of the centre-right party Go Italia, who was also a likely candidate in the early phase of the election, said in a statement: “A few days ago, out of a sense of responsibility and in the interest of the country, I relinquished my candidacy, a Also for favoring integrated solutions.”

Berlusconi’s statement added that “unity today can only be found around the figure of President Sergio Mattarella, from whom we know we are asking for a great sacrifice.”

The only voice to speak out against Mattarella’s plans to stay in office is Giorgia Meloni, leader of the right-wing Brothers of Italy party, who tweeted on Saturday, “I would be surprised if #Mattarella agrees to happen again – this hypothesis.” Elected after repeated rejections.”

Meloni, whose party has not joined the ruling coalition, has accused other parties of “bartering” the presidency to ensure they maintain the status quo until the end of the legislative session in 2023.

Another polling will be held on Saturday afternoon, after which the final results are expected to be declared.
