It’s family time at Nuakhai in West Odisha. Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

Sambalpur: With Krishi Parv NuakhaiWhat was a low-key affair for the past two years as the Covid-19 outbreak forced people to keep their distance from their loved ones, will make a big comeback on September 1 this year.
The villagers of Dangapal of the tribal-dominated Jujumura block of the district are ready to celebrate this festival with pomp. But instead of being a family affair, the village, which contains about 700 people and is located about 30 km from SambalpurThis year we will celebrate Nuakhai as “one family” at one place.
“Covid-19 has badly affected the Nuakhai festival for the last two years. Some people from our village, who work outside, could not come home due to the crisis. The virus made us want to keep distance with our people. forced. However, the situation has changed now. Hence, to compensate for the moment of brotherhood that was snatched away due to the outbreak of COVID-19, we have decided to celebrate the festival together,” said Jayant PradhanA rural or a villager.
Jayant said that all the villagers would contribute in celebrating the festival. “No one will cook food at home on the day of Nuakhai in the village. Irrespective of caste, creed, economic status, all the villagers will sit together and eat at one place. There will be no social distancing.
People will come to the place where arrangements will be made after performing Nuakhai rituals at home. The women of the village would prepare the traditional food at the venue and the men would join in. This time in our village the festival will not be a family affair as the whole village will celebrate the festival like a family.
Nuakhai is celebrated to express gratitude to the almighty for food grains. During Nuakhai, the people of the region offer the first crop of the year to the home deity. The head of the family worships the deity and offers rice and other food items. He then distributes the prasad among the family members. On this occasion all the family members sit together and eat food.
Sambalpur: With the agricultural festival Nuakhai, which was a low-key affair for the past two years as the Covid-19 outbreak forced people to keep a distance even from their loved ones, September 1 will make a big comeback this year. .
The villagers of Dangapal of the tribal-dominated Jujumura block of the district are ready to celebrate this festival with pomp. But instead of being a family affair, the village, which houses around 700 people and is located about 30 km from Sambalpur, will celebrate Nuakhai as “one family” at one place this year.
“Covid-19 has badly affected the Nuakhai festival for the last two years. Some people from our village, who work outside, could not come home due to the crisis. The virus made us want to keep distance with our people. forced. However, the situation has changed now. Hence, to compensate for the moment of brotherhood that was snatched away due to the outbreak of COVID-19, we have decided to celebrate the festival together,” said Jayant Chief, Rural.
Jayant said that all the villagers would contribute in celebrating the festival. “No one will cook food in the house on the day of Nuakhai in the village. Irrespective of caste, creed, economic status, all the villagers will sit at one place and have food together. There will be no social distancing. People will come to the place where after performing Nuakhai rituals at home. Arrangements will be made. Women of the village will prepare traditional food at the venue and men will attend. This time the festival will not be a family affair in our village as the whole village will celebrate the festival like a family.
Nuakhai is celebrated to express gratitude to the almighty for food grains.
During Nuakhai, the people of the region offer the first crop of the year to the home deity. The head of the family worships the deity and offers rice and other food items. He then distributes the prasad among the family members. On this occasion all the family members sit together and eat food.