It’s in the genes! Experts explain why humans live longer than animals. read here

In a study conducted by researchers at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, it has been found that humans tend to live longer than animals because the genetic code of the former mutates slowly.

study done between 16 species Human, mouse, lion, giraffe, tiger, and long-lived, highly cancer-resistant naked mole-rat seek to shed light on genetic changes in aging and cancer.

The study found that despite huge variation in lifespan and size, different animal species end their natural lives with the same number of genetic changes.

means to say that Study confirmed that a slower rate of mutation leads to a longer life, and therefore, that mammals ranging from tigers to humans have longer lives than those of giraffes.

a mutation is a change in DNA sequence That, according to the National Human Genome Research Institute, can result from DNA copying mistakes made during cell division, exposure to ionizing radiation, exposure to chemicals called mutagenesis, or infection by viruses. These mutations are at the root of cancer.

Although it is known how mutations cause cancer, their role in the aging process has not been detailed.

The study, published in the journal ‘Nature’, states that somatic mutation rates are evolutionarily constrained and may be a contributing factor in aging.

Genetic changes, known as somatic mutations, occur in all cells throughout the life of an organism. This is a natural process, in which cells acquire about 20 to 50 mutations per year in humans. Most of these mutations will be harmless, but some of them can start a cell on its way to cancer or impair the normal functioning of the cell.

“It was surprising to find similar patterns of genetic changes in animals as distinct from each other as the rat and tiger. But the most exciting aspect of the study is the finding that lifespan is inversely proportional to the somatic mutation rate,” Dr. Alex Cagan of the Wellcome Sanger Institute said in a statement.

To measure the mutation rate in single intestinal stem cells, the researchers generated whole-genome sequences from 208 intestinal crypts taken from 48 individuals. Analysis of the genome revealed that somatic mutations accumulated linearly over time and were caused by similar mechanisms in all species, including humans, despite their very different dietary and life histories.

They observed that the rate of somatic mutation decreased as the lifespan of each species increased. However, they found no significant association between somatic mutation rates and body mass, indicating that the ability of larger animals to reduce their cancer risk relative to their size must be involved.

“Aging is a complex process, the result of many forms of molecular damage in our cells and tissues. Somatic mutations have been speculated to contribute to aging since the 1950s, but they remain difficult to study. DNA With recent advances in sequencing techniques, we can finally investigate the roles that somatic mutations play in aging and many diseases. This diverse range of mammals have similar mutations in their cells, said study co-author Dr. Inigo Martincorena. It’s an exciting and interesting quest.

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