IV Therapy, a New Chapter in India’s Wellness Journey

Operating in Hyderabad and Bengaluru, Happy Head Clinic is India’s first in-house IV therapy and wellness clinic, with Rana Daggubati as an investor and brand ambassador.

At first, IV therapy seems like a gimmick or a wellness celebrity fad pushed by the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow and Khloé Kardashian. Social media provided a scintillating visualization of intravenous wellness trips that allegedly had users glowing from within, feeling like they could compete in the Olympics, or help them recover from a hangover.

So when Happy Head Clinic, Hyderabad was launched in February 2021 by the founder Dr. Venkaiah Moolakalpalli (with Bengaluru setup in November 2021), I was eager to understand IV therapy through firsthand experience. While the clinic performs both procedures on-site and at home, I opted to tour the space. The clinic is also open to collaborate for curated gatherings or events; For example, in 2021, Happy Head went to Goa at the request of a family hosting a wedding carrying ‘Nutri Glow’, ‘Hangover’, ‘Myers’ Cocktail’ and ‘Cleanser’ IV bags for guests.

As soon as I stepped in, I found a minimalist and spa-like space spread over three floors; a consultation space, a curtained-off section for one-shot vitamin injections, some rooms with recliners for single or group sessions, a al fresco Space for those who want to sunbathe during the drip, a pathology lab for blood tests and even an oxygen bar.

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As I fill out an ID form for the clinic (detailing my allergies and other aspects of medical history), I am given a brochure that lists 13 IV treatments. Each is intended to deliver a unique combination of vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly into the bloodstream essential for health, wellness and healing. For example, Hangover Therapy includes vitamin B6, thiamine, magnesium and glutathione, while ‘Nutri Glow’ provides glutathione, vitamin C and alpha lipoic acid (ALA). If advised by the physician, the clinic may also combine treatments.

Going through all the permutations-combinations of vitamins and minerals can feel like brain overload: Happy Head encouraged me to consult with my in-house doctor about which one therapy would work best for me. . Dr. Mounika Vadlamani recommends the Myers Cocktail – a blend of B vitamins, vitamin C, zinc and magnesium – noting that I have been feeling drained of energy for the past few weeks while battling waves of migraines.

myths and facts

Although IV therapy is recommended for migraines and chronic fatigue, Dr. Vadlamani says they offer a wide range of treatments for people who are healthy but want an easy boost. Most IV drips contain magnesium, vitamin C, calcium and some B vitamins, all of which are beneficial. So, she says, for example, people who want to boost their athletic performance can also benefit from IV therapy. ,

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A quick Internet search of IV therapy in India brings up other names such as the pan-India Dr Jamuna Pai’s Skin Lab – which primarily offers a glutathione and vitamin C combo for beauty purposes – or Revive – a US-based Brand that has clinics in Lass. Vegas, Mumbai, Nairobi, Dubai, New York and Sydney – among other cities. However, Happy Head is Hyderabad’s first indigenous IV wellness clinic. “After consultation, we personalize each drip based on the patient’s symptoms, concerns and health needs,” says Dr. Vadlamani.

Dr Vadlamani also explains the benefits of IV therapy, “While we can try our best by popping supplements to boost immunity, we can only absorb 30 to 40% of oral supplements. With this process, he claims, your body absorbs a higher percentage of these nutrients.”

IV Therapy, a New Chapter in India's Wellness Journey

I was taken to a private room where a nurse records my blood pressure and weight. He has me extend his hand where the IV will drip. She numbs and gently disinfects the area around the medial cubital vein and in no time – with barely a prick – the needle is inserted. She shows me a 500ml bag of Myers cocktails and attaches it to the IV stand. “This whole process will take about 45 minutes,” she explains, “and if you feel any nausea or a headache, which is rare, please let us know right away. We’ll be arriving soon to adjust the flow of the drip as well. ” Sometimes, she says, people are advised to take 1000ml if their hydration levels are too low.

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She then leaves the room, but not before giving me the remote to the wall-mounted television. But I give up on streaming and instead choose to relax with my eyes closed. Forty-five minutes and one flow adjustment later, the nurse gently removes the IV needle and places a bandaid on my inner arm. I am not feeling dizzy nor do I have any migraine. I walk around space.

after effects

By the time I get home, my skin looks less dull. Could It Be a Hydration and Vitamin Boost? For the next few nights, I also found myself sleeping better, as promised by the magnesium boost. Some deep dives into Google and Reddit (including people suggesting you “just eat your fruits and vegetables instead”) reveal that there are people who have experienced similar results with IV therapy. (That said, therapy is not designed to replace a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. You can eat only your own fruits and vegetables instead for optimal health.)

Still, IV drips are becoming increasingly popular as luxury wellness merges with medical treatment in an endless search for effective beauty hacks. Actor Rana Daggubati, who has been open about his own health struggles, has long been vocal about bringing new-age legitimate wellness solutions to India. Perhaps, this explains why the actor is there as a brand ambassador and early investor.

IV treatments cost between ₹6,000 and ₹13,000 at Happy Head Clinic institutions in Hyderabad and Bangalore, recommended for your overall health needs and goals. vthis is www.happyhead.in for more information.
