Jabalpur boy wins Crimson Access opportunity to study in Pennsylvania – Times of India

Scholarships can make a big difference for any student looking to study abroad. Vasu Chandra, a 17-year-old boy from Bhopal, was selected for the popular US Crimson Access Opportunity (CAO) scholarship this year and is now set to move to the US to study Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Vasu received a $300,000 scholarship and would pursue a Bachelor of Technology in computer science to create useful code in AI at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Chief Engineer in Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board (MPEB) and mother is a homemaker, Vasu says, “Computer Science has attracted my fascination since childhood as it is not limited to alphabets and letters, but is inspired by human creativity. ” ,


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“I was interested to explore projects related to both the social sciences as well as science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM),” says Vasu.

No matter how optimized an algorithm is or how fast a quantum computer processes it, there is always room for improvement. “This is the key to innovation in technology,” Vasu says.

“Many useful codes are waiting to be written, studied, and expanded as dynamic pieces of society evolve. I am curious by code and want to spend my life exploring it more comprehensively.”

Preparation of Statement of Objectives (SOP) is of prime importance. Vasu wrote several rough drafts and corrected them to get the best. Asking experts for feedback for the same is what makes the application different, he says.

The CAO’s support team mentored them and offered course-specific guidance that helped relieve stress. Vasu tracks the college website for hours to gather information about the college and whether it will be right for him.

Vasu attended some prestigious summer programs including Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) and Harvard Undergraduate Foreign Policy Initiative (HUFPI), which strengthened her SOP. Apart from excelling in mathematics and computer science in academics, Vasu has been an accomplished tennis player and has volunteered in community service for the Indian Red Cross Society in his hometown.