Jaishankar says India envisions a free, open, inclusive and peaceful Indo-Pacific

“We envisage a free, open, inclusive, peaceful and prosperous Indo-Pacific region that enjoys a rules-based international order, sustainable and transparent infrastructure investments, freedom of navigation and over-flight, uninterrupted lawful commerce, sovereignty is based on mutual respect for the peaceful resolution of disputes, as well as equality of all nations,” the minister said.

Speaking on the role of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Jaishankar said that India wants to place ASEAN at the center of the Indo-Pacific, both literally and literally.

Jaishankar was addressing a gathering which included members of Thai academics – researchers, scholars, think tanks and students.

“Our ASEAN partners will certainly note that our interactions with them have increased, not decreased, as a result of the Indo-Pacific,” the foreign ministry said.

China is embroiled in heated territorial disputes in both the South China Sea and the East China Sea. China claims sovereignty over the entire South China Sea. Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei and Taiwan have counterclaims.

China is aggressively controlling regions that are rich in minerals, oil and other natural resources and are also important for global trade. Beijing is militarizing several islands and reefs in the region by laying out infrastructure.

Chinese and Indian troops have been engaged in a standoff in eastern Ladakh for a long time. The two sides have so far held 16 rounds of Corps Commander-level talks to resolve the standoff that erupted on May 5, 2020, following violent clashes in the Pangong Lake areas.


The US, Japan, India and Australia shaped a long-pending proposal in 2017 to establish a “quad” or quadrilateral alliance to counter China’s aggressive behavior in the Indo-Pacific.

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Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (left), US President Joe Biden, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at the Quad Leaders Summit (AP)

The US maintains that the Quad is not an alliance but a grouping of countries driven by shared interests and values ​​and is interested in strengthening the rules-based order in the strategically important Indo-Pacific region.

Addressing the gathering, Jaishankar said that the Quad is the foremost multilateral forum that addresses contemporary challenges and opportunities in the Indo-Pacific.

“We are confident that the entire Indo-Pacific region will benefit from its activities. And this is validated by the growing recognition of its importance in the international community. If there are reservations in any quarter, these stem from a desire to exercise the veto. at the choice of others. And possibly unilateral opposition to collective and cooperative efforts.”

A Multi-Polar Asia for a Multi-Polar World

Jaishankar spoke about India’s plans to jointly set out with Myanmar and Thailand, the “India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway which has the potential to create an entirely new axis of economic activity in Asia. It has had its fair share of challenges.” But we are determined to bring it to a preliminary conclusion.”

The India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway will run from Moreh in Manipur to Mai Sot in Thailand via Myanmar.

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The India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway will run from Moreh in Manipur to Mai Sot in Thailand via Myanmar. (Reuters)

He said that the prospects of a global order depend on a more equitable and democratic distribution of power and resources.

He said, “The world should become more multi-polar. At the center of such a multi-polar world should be a multi-polar Asia. This will happen only when we Asian countries strengthen our freedom and expand our freedom of choice. “

Realities of Indo-Pacific and Globalization

External Affairs Minister Jaishankar addressed the changing landscape, the updated capabilities of players and the importance of safeguarding the global commons.

“Acknowledge that a much larger part of India’s interests now lie to the east, beyond the Indian Ocean and into the Pacific. A more collaborative approach that transcends the stereotypes of earlier theaters is needed today,” he said. “

He said it is about recognizing the realities of globalization and the consequences of rebalancing. “Only those whose mindset is built around spheres of influence and uncomfortable with the democratization of world affairs will dispute the Indo-Pacific today.”

Jaishankar had reached Bangkok on Tuesday. He co-chaired the 9th India-Thailand Joint Commission meeting with his Thai counterpart and Deputy Prime Minister Don Pramudawinai on Wednesday, during which he discussed advancing bilateral contacts in the political, economic, security and defence, connectivity and health domains. discussed.

With inputs from PTI.

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