Japan mourns the return of slain former PM Abe’s body to Tokyo – Times of India

Slogan: Japan Condoled the killing of former Prime Minister on Saturday Shinzo AbeWhose body was being taken from the western city to Tokyo, where it was shot at close range on the campaign trail.
The assassination of Japan’s most famous politician shocked the country and sent shock waves around the world, especially given the country’s low level of violent crime and strict gun laws.
The man accused of shooting Abe is in custody, police said, adding that he had confessed to killing the former prime minister, motivated by the belief that Abe was linked to an unspecified group.
Police were conducting a background check on the 41-year-old unemployed, who claimed he had served in the Marine Self-Defense Force of Japan’s Navy, and said he used a handmade gun.
Abe was delivering a slogan speech ahead of Sunday’s Upper House election when he was shot, and campaigning resumed on Saturday morning, with politicians saying they are determined to show that democracy will prevail.
“We absolutely must not tolerate violence during elections to suppress speech,” Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told some 600 supporters in central Japan’s Yamanashi region, according to the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper.
In Kishida’s first campaign program since the assassination, Yomiuri and other Japanese media described a tense mood and high levels of security, with a metal fence erected to separate the leader from the crowd.
Early on Saturday, Abe’s wife, Aki, for a funeral and believed to be carrying the former leader’s body, left the hospital in western Japan where he was treated.
Doctors said Friday that Abe showed no significant symptoms upon arrival and died of severe anemia despite a massive blood transfusion.
He described several wounds on the politician’s neck, with internal damage reaching the depths of his heart.
Abe’s assassination shook Japan, with Kishida describing the killing as a “barbaric act” that was “unforgivable”.
He was deeply emotional after the former leader’s death was confirmed on Friday, calling himself “lost for words”.
– ‘Unacceptable act’ – similar was the international backlash with the US President Joe Biden It said he was “shocked, angry and deeply saddened”, and was ordering flags to be flown at half-mast on US government buildings.
Australia announced that lights would be lit at the Sydney Opera House on Sunday to pay tribute to Abe.
Even the regional powers Abe was struggling with expressed condolences. South Korea’s president called the killing an “unacceptable act”, and the Chinese embassy in Japan praised Abe’s “contribution to the improvement and development” of relations.
Investigators were still piecing together a picture of the person behind the murder and his motives.
He has been identified as Tetsuya Yamagami, and police said on Friday that he admitted he targeted Abe for his hatred of an organization they believed was linked to the former leader. was.
He declined to name the organization, although Japanese media outlets have described it as a religious group.
Investigators said the gun he used is “apparently handmade,” and several other apparently handmade weapons were uncovered in protective gear by police who raided Yamagami’s home on Friday.
The suspect, arrested on charges of murder, opened fire on Abe shortly before Friday afternoon.
Footage from public broadcaster NHK showed Yamagami dressed in a brown shirt and brown trousers, walking behind him before pulling his arms out of a bag.
At least two shots appeared to have been fired, each producing a cloud of smoke. As the onlookers and journalists withdrew, they were thrown to the ground by security forces.
– ‘A big bang’ – Japanese media reported that a funeral will be held on Monday evening for Jagran and Abe’s close family and associates.
Friday night and Saturday morning a steady stream of mourners came to offer flowers and pray abeWho was the longest-serving prime minister of Japan.
Sachi Nagafuji, 54, a resident of Nara, who visited the site with his son, said, “I just couldn’t sit and do anything. I had to come.”
Abe was a descendant of a political family and became the country’s youngest prime minister after the war, when he took power for the first time in 2006 at the age of 52.
His turbulent first term ended in resignation for health reasons, but he returned to power in 2012 and remained in office until the return of his ulcerative colitis led to a second resignation in 2020.
His fierce, nationalist views were divisive, particularly his desire to reform the country’s pacifist constitution to recognize the country’s military, and he faced several scandals, including accusations of cronyism.
But he was praised for his economic strategy, called “abenomics,” and his efforts to put Japan firmly on the world stage, which included close ties with the US president. Donald Trump,