Japan, US fly fighter jets after China drill, North Korean missiles – Times of India

Tokyo: Japanese and us Army has conducted a joint fighter jet flight over the Sea of ​​Japan, Japan’s Defense Ministry said in an apparent response on Thursday Russia-China joint bomber flight While the US President Joe Biden was in Tokyo.
The Japan-US joint flight on Wednesday was intended to “reaffirm the combined capabilities of the Japanese SDF and US forces, and to further strengthen the military. Japan-US alliance“We are making full preparations to deal with any emergency,” the Joint Staff of the Japanese Self-Defense Force said in a statement.
The flight was conducted hours after North Korea fired three missiles, including an intercontinental ballistic missile, toward the sea between the Korean peninsula and Japan, amid concerns about another nuclear test by Pyongyang. The missiles went overboard outside Japan’s exclusive economic zone.
Chinese and Russian strategic bombers carried out joint flights near Japan on Tuesday, Japan’s defense ministry said, while Biden was meeting with the Japanese prime minister. fumio kishida And for the Quad, their counterpart to India and Australia, an Indo-Pacific security and economic alliance was meant as a counterweight to China’s growing influence in the region.
Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi said Chinese H-6 bombers joined Russian Tu-95s over the Sea of ​​Japan and flew over areas of the East China Sea, but did not violate Japanese airspace. Separately, a Russian IL-20 reconnaissance aircraft was seen taking off from the northern Japanese coast.
Kishi said later on Tuesday that the Chinese-Russian joint flight represented an “increased level of provocation” and a threat to the Quad.
China’s Defense Ministry said Chinese and Russian forces conducted joint strategic air patrols over the Sea of ​​Japan, the East China Sea and the Western Pacific.
The Japanese Joint Staff said Wednesday’s Japan-US joint flight involved eight warplanes based in Japan, including four US F-16 fighters and four Japanese F-15s.