Japan’s Osaka to set new daily record with 6,000 Covid-19 cases – Times of India

Tokyo: Japan’s western prefecture of Osaka will record nearly 6,000 new coronavirus infections on Tuesday kyodo It surpassed the previous all-time high of 3,760 over the weekend, the news agency said.
Number of new cases in the capital Tokyo, are also close to record in a resurgence driven by the highly infectious omicron Japan’s new cases have pushed around a record high, with more than 25,000 in recent days.
The governors of Tokyo and surrounding prefectures this week agreed to ask the central government for measures to fight infections, such as reduced opening hours for bars and restaurants.
Ten provinces have made such requests, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno told reporters on Tuesday. An official decision on the semi-emergency measures, as they are called, is likely to be made on Friday.
It will follow this month’s restrictions in three areas hosting US military facilities, after it appeared that Omicron’s base outbreak spread to surrounding communities.
The occupancy rate of Tokyo’s hospital beds for COVID-19 patients rose to 21.1% on Monday, surpassing a critical threshold for additional pandemic measures. An increase of 50% would guarantee the declaration of an absolute state of emergency.
