JEE Main 2023 Session 1 from January 24, Check Exam Tips from Previous Years’ Toppers

Tips for JEE Main 2023 aspirants (Representational image)

Candidates preparing for JEE Main 2023 can check preparation tips from previous years toppers

JEE Main 2023 Admission will be conducted in two phases. The first session will be held from January 24 to January 31 at various centers across the country. The second session of the main examination will be conducted from April 6 to April 12, for which registration will start later.

All the candidates preparing for JEE Main 2023 are working hard and want to score well. To help in the same, we have a list of previous year toppers along with some preparation tips.

Sneha Parikh

Sneha Parekh from Assam has secured All India Rank 1 in JEE Main 2022. He not only scored 100 percentile but also scored 300 out of 300 marks. While preparing, he claims that he has started studying every morning at 4 am. Before starting her day, she used to revise everything she had studied the day before and then attended regular classes till 12:30. She also focused on self-study and stayed at the coaching center to complete assignments and study deeply for new concepts. She claims that she did not refer to any additional books and relied on the NCERT and the notes provided by her teachers. She also used to give a lot of mock tests which included subject-wise and topic-wise papers as well as full-length exams. However, she claims that it is also important to maintain a healthy balance while preparing for the exam.

Dheeraj Kurukunda

Dhiraj Kurukunda, a native of Telangana, is one of the 24 students who have managed to score 100 percentile in JEE Mains 2022. Giving some exam tips for JEE Main aspirants, Dheeraj asked the students to try not to panic about the exam. He says that while giving time to self-study, one should keep taking small breaks. He also asked the students to work on their time management skills.

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Partha Bhardwaj

Partha Bhardwaj scored 300 out of 300 in Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main 2022 and got All India Rank 3. Talking about his preparation strategy, he says for the second attempt of JEE Main, in which he scored full marks, it took him only three to four days to prepare. “I was studying previous year papers and did not study the things that actually come in the mains exam. For example, questions from some specific chapters of NCERT Physics and Chemistry are asked only in JEE Main and not in Advanced. I memorized such chapters almost two months before the exam.

Aniket Chattopadhyay

Aniket Chattopadhyay is one of the 24 candidates who have topped JEE Main 2022 with 100 percentile score. Talking about his routine for his exams, he said, “I used to study for two hours straight and then take a break of half an hour and divide my time to give equal hours to each subject. As the exams approached, I divided the time keeping in mind the duration of the exam, so I used to sit for three hours straight and then take a breath.” He added that music helped him a lot during preparation and He also gained a lot by studying with his peers.

Ojas Maheshwari

Ojas has secured the first rank in JEE Main 2022 in PWD category with a score of 99.994 percentile. Ojas put in extra effort to ensure that he was at par with his peers, devoting 12 to 13 hours a day to his preparation, which also included time for self-study and revision. “I studied for an average of 12-13 hours a day. I also made sure to get 7 hours of sleep straight at night to make sure there was no tiredness. Apart from this, I also take tests regularly to improve my paper solving skills.”

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