Jiah Khan suicide case: Here are the factors that could have led to Sooraj Pancholi’s acquittal

In June 2013, following Jiah Khan’s death, the Mumbai Police registered a case of abetment to suicide against Pancholi. File photos/Twitter

After a decade-long legal battle and examination of 22 witnesses, a special CBI court on Friday acquitted Pancholi for lack of evidence.

The special CBI court on Friday acquitted Sooraj Pancholi in the Jiah Khan suicide case. Pronouncing the order, Judge AS Sayyed said that the court did not find any evidence against Pancholi in the case.

In June 2013, following Jiah Khan’s death, the Mumbai Police registered a case of abetment to suicide against Pancholi. When the case was handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the actor was charged under section 306 of the Indian Penal Code.

However, after a decade-long legal battle and examination of 22 witnesses, the court acquitted Pancholi.

Experts say that in the case of abetment to suicide, it is difficult for the investigating agency to prove the charge against the accused. The reference given to the victim should be immediate and direct. Charges are rarely proven and conviction rates are low.

Here are the factors that could go against the case made by Jiah Khan’s mother Rabia Khan:

suicide note

According to the defense counsel, the suicide note was not addressed to anyone in particular, nor did it mention Pancholi’s name. During cross-examination when witness no. 1 (Rabia Khan) was examined and it was found that something was written in a diary found from Jia Khan’s house. According to the lawyers, when she was cross-examined, it was found that the writing in the six-page suicide note matched with the writing in the notebook, and that the notes in the book were written by Rabia.

This could possibly be the reason why the suicide note would not have been considered as evidence.

Did Jiah Khan commit suicide?

Arguments were given in the court that the late actress had committed suicide. It was said that at the age of 14, Jia had tried to end her life. In fact, as a part of the court proceedings, it was also mentioned that Jiah and Suraj had tried to harm themselves even when they were friends.

It was alleged that this aspect of Jiah’s personality was not analyzed by the investigators.

work pressure?

It was said time and again in the court that Jia Khan was worried about her work. She had gone for an audition in Hyderabad just two days before her death. On the day of his death, he received a call at around 9.30 am, saying that he had not been selected for the assignment. She was found dead after 2-3 hours.

Sources said this was another aspect which was not taken into account by the investigators.

However, Rabia Khan has alleged that it is not a case of abetment to suicide but murder. She wants to go to the higher court against this order.

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