Jill Biden says being first lady is ‘harder than I thought’

Washington: Jill Biden says being the first lady is a little harder than I imagined.

She tells CBS Sunday Morning in an interview that airs next week that her new role is a 24-hour venture and not the kind of job that ends at a fixed time.

I guess it’s a little harder than I imagined, the first lady asked if she was ready for what her new life would be like. “It’s not like a job you do, it’s a lifestyle you live, and it’s not something you leave at 5:00 or 3:00. And it’s 24 hours a day.

In the interview, Jill Biden also scoffed at speculation about President Joe Biden’s mental fitness, saying she understands why she cut a free community college proposal from a major social welfare bill that she wants Congress to pass. are trying.

Her observation of being the first lady of all time comes from someone who has lived most of her adult life in the public eye and seen and worked with some of her predecessors.

Joe Biden was already a public figure, a US senator from Delaware, when he married in 1977. Jill Biden campaigned for and with him during several of his Senate re-election bids and during his three campaigns for president. When Joe Biden was President Barack Obama’s vice president, Jill Biden and First Lady Michelle Obama worked closely together on military family issues.

When asked about dropping the community college offer, Jill Biden sounded like her husband when he said: I understand the compromise. And I knew this was not the right time for it.

She is a veteran community college professor who still teaches as First Lady. She hoped that her long-standing advocacy for free tuition in these schools would pay off in the future.

President Biden removed free community college and other proposals from the bill in an effort to make it more attractive to Democratic senators, who said they were uncomfortable with its original size.

The president, the oldest officeholder at age 79, has been the subject of unrelenting social media memes and comments from political opponents suggesting that he is mentally unfit for office.

His wife, who is 70, said it was ridiculous to question his mental fitness.

President Biden attended a portion of the interview at the White House and was asked about the experience he shared with his wife of 44 years.

I am one lucky man,” he said. “Jill is my love and the love of my life.

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