JNU VC criticized for demanding change in CUET-PG exam pattern – Times of India

JNU Vice Chancellor Shantisree Dhulipudi Pandit

Jawaharlal Nehru University Teachers Forum (JNUTF) expressed disappointment and disagreement on Saturday JNU Vice Chancellor Shantisree Dhulipudi PanditRecently appealed to change from the center Common University Entrance Test (CUET) Format for Postgraduate Admission.
JNU Vice Chancellor Speaking at the Idea Exchange session of The Indian Express on August 19, he is said to have appealed to the government to change the format of the Central Universities Entrance Test (CUET). This appeal has been made without deliberation and has no empirical data to substantiate its claims and fails to drive the point home. This is not only a premature submission but also an indication that the JNU Vice Chancellor has been appropriated. Marxist group of the so-called intellectuals. She was desperately trying to get recognized by a group of Marxist scholars from the day she took office in JNU. She is acting on his advice and trying to earn his admiration by publicly agreeing to the main agenda of the Marxist professors. She has become the spokesperson for the disruptive teachers’ group against this major educational restructuring policy of the government.
JNUTF is completely disappointed to read the statement of the Vice Chancellor of the University and expresses its strong disagreement with the tone and tenor of the statement. JNUTF also says that this is not only a political statement aimed at achieving ulterior motives but also undermines the idea of ​​academic unity of the nation which was envisaged. national education policy (NEP). JNUTF wishes to keep on record that the views of the Vice Chancellor are shared by only a handful of teachers who are devoted to the disruptive communist ideology.
JNUTF had high hopes and many expectations from the first woman vice-chancellor of the university. We felt that his appointment was historic and his contribution could be historic as well. There was an expectation that she would work to liberate the Indian education system from the clutches of Eurocentric, elitist and anti-India academics in the form of scholars. With the new Vice Chancellor’s approach and stance, our expectations seem to be dwindling fast. It is unfortunate that without giving proper space and climate for the new system of examination to flourish, the VC is all set to follow the regressive trajectory and start taking JNU in the direction that the preamble of NEP 2020. is against.
A closer examination of his recent statements reveals that the JNU VC is acting on the advice of his Marxist friends, philosophers and guides who monopolize the academic space in JNU and constitute the old elite. The Vice-Chancellor either succumbed to the pressure tactics of the Communists or willingly agreed to accompany them. This hypothesis can be validated in the light of many accepted facts and evidences. The irresponsible statement made by the Vice Chancellor in the midst of the ongoing CUET examinations has created a state confusion among JNU aspirants. It is incomprehensible why they had to appeal to the government regarding an effective way of conducting entrance exams in the media. She could communicate about the same with the government, which was confirmed by proper qualitative study. Does the Vice Chancellor want to point out that the students who joined JNU in the last four years lack writing and other essential qualifications? Has he done any survey in this regard before making such a comprehensive statement? The timing of the statement also smacks of any malafide intention against the students of JNU. JNUTF fears that such statements were unnecessary and discourages students who burn midnight oil in hopes of joining JNU for a dazzling academic opportunity and atmosphere. This statement is indicative of the conspired collusion of the administration with the agents of anarchy.
It is ironic to know that the VC is tinkering with the divisive communist ideology, while JNU is facing various challenges, including crumbling infrastructure, deteriorating security and security in the campus, delays in promotion and recruitment, processing of files at play Tendency to exclusion, and growing dissatisfaction among various stakeholders. JNUTF is alert to all such developments and hopes that good sense prevails, but at the same time is ready for all incidents.

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