Joe Biden gets more vacation than the avg American; ’532 days’ in less than 4yrs | Today News

US President Joe Biden has spent around 40.03 per cent of his tenure on holiday, revealed a recent analysis by the Republican National Committee (RNC). The 81-year-old has spent 532 vacation days, out of the 1,326 days he has been in office over a period of less than four years.

The figure indicates that President Biden has accrued more vacation days, around 12 times more than an average American. According to reports, it would take the average American, who gets 11 vacation days a year, approximately 48 years to match Biden’s record of holidays.

The RNC — which oversees the functioning of Republican Party — also claimed that the President’s recent visit to Rehoboth Beach in Delaware was his ’16th straight day on vacation.’

Critics argue that the President’s extensive time off is inappropriate, especially amid global uncertainties and domestic challenges. One of them commented that a relaxed photo of Biden enjoying his vacation, was enough to define the Democrat’s presidency.

Mark Paoletta, former general counsel of the White House budget office under former President Donald Trump, commented, “The image of Biden fast asleep and lying flat on his back in his chair at the beach while America and the world is on fire will define the Biden presidency,” as reported by the NY Post.

Critics have further flagged issues such as inflation, border security, and international conflicts, suggesting that the President should be more focused on addressing these concerns.

Meanwhile, Presidential aides asserted that President Joe Biden, like his predecessors, works remotely and remains accessible even while on vacation. Some of them, however, have questioned the frequency and length of his breaks. United States Representative Nicole Malliotakis took a dig by suggesting that Biden should take even more time off.

Joe Biden’s vacation more than of Donald Trump

When compared to previous presidents, Biden’s vacation time surpasses that of his predecessors. Former President Donald Trump spent 26% of his presidency on personal trips, which is a 35 point surge from Joe Biden’s 40% out-of-office figures.

In contrast, Ronald Reagan(40th US President) and Barack Obama( 44th US president) each spent only 11% of their two-term presidencies on vacation. The 39th US President, Jimmy Carter took just 79 days of breaks during his single term.