Johnson: UK PM Boris Johnson’s ethics chief resigns in wake of partygate – Times of India

London: British Prime Minister Boris johnsonThe Independent Ethics Advisor of the U.S. has resigned from his post as an independent advisor on the interests of ministers in the wake of the PartyGate scam of COVID lockdown-violating parties. Downing Street,
Lord Christopher songsThe Independent Advisor on the Interests of Ministers, who reported directly to the prime minister in an advisory capacity, submitted his resignation to Johnson on Wednesday evening. No reason was given in his resignation statement and Downing Street has yet to elaborate.
“With regret, I think it is appropriate that I am resigning as independent adviser on the interests of ministers,” Giedt said in a brief statement.
The resignation has taken Downing Street by surprise and follows the 2020 exit of his predecessor in the role, Sir Alex Allen, and the resignation of the British prime minister’s anti-corruption champion John Penrose last week.
A government spokesman said: “While we are disappointed, we thank Lord Geidt for his public service.”
According to reports, Geidt was asked to advise on a “commercially sensitive matter in the national interest”, which previously had cross-party support.
“No decision was taken pending that advice,” a government spokesman said.
Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab said he was unaware of the details behind the resignation and Downing Street would provide an update later.
Meanwhile, the opposition parties reiterated their partygate attack on the government over this latest development.
Labor deputy leader Angela Renner said: “The prime minister has now prompted both of his elected moral advisers to resign in despair. If they too cannot defend their conduct in office, how can anyone believe that he is fit to rule.”
“When both boris johnsonThe Liberal Democrat’s chief whip questioned, “Having their own ethics advisors left, it’s clear they need to leave.” Wendy Chamberlain,
Last month, in an annual report on ministerial interests, Geidt noted that a “valid question” has arisen in the form of a fixed penalty notice issued by the Metropolitan Police at a COVID lockdown-violating birthday party in Downing Street in June 2020 . His report called on Johnson to “set out his case in public”.
“I do not believe that the circumstances under which I received a sure-punishment notice were contrary to the rules,” Johnson said in a letter of clarification to Geidt, which was made public.
“I have accepted the result and paid it in compliance with the legal requirements. Giving a fixed penalty notice is not a criminal punishment,” he said.
Geidt was also critical of his report on repeated consultations with the prime minister’s advisers, offering him a public commentary on his obligations under “his own” ministerial code, violations of which usually lead to the resignation of the minister. goes.
It was reported at the time that Geidt had threatened to step down following the publication of the Sue Gray Report into lockdown violations in Downing Street unless Johnson issued a public explanation for his conduct.