Johnson: Ukraine crisis at most dangerous moment, says UK PM Johnson – Times of India

Brussels: British Prime Minister Boris johnson said on Thursday Ukraine The crisis was at its most dangerous moment, and it was important to recover the next few days as intelligence RussiaThe movement of troops along the border of Ukraine remains serious.
“I honestly don’t think any decision has been taken (by Moscow) yet. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible that something catastrophic could happen very soon indeed. And our intelligence, I’m afraid to say it That remains serious, Johnson said in a news conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels.
“This is probably the most dangerous moment, I would say, in the next few days, what is going to be the biggest security crisis in Europe in decades, and we have to fix it. And I think the combination of sanctions and military resolve, plus diplomacy is the same. which is in order.”
