Judgment will be pronounced on July 11 in the matter of hearing in the contempt of court case

The court pronounced the verdict in the contempt of court case before Vijay Mallya on November 11.(File photo)

New Delhi:

The Supreme Court (Supreme Court) will hear a sentence on July 11 on the term of sentence in contempt of court cases of Vijay Mallya (Vijay Mallya) in the over $9,000 million loan fraud and fugitive fraud case. .Mallya is in the position of a debt-ridden lender to a debt-ridden lender of $9,000 million. Updates of Cause List dated 11th November, uploaded on the website of Apex, U.K.

this also further

Valid, Wealth, Rabindra Bhat and Fee. s. Narasimha has modified the position of the matter as was reserved on March 10 and observed that there will be no change in Mallya’s woes. This position remains safe even after the state of happiness of a friend. Prior to the presentation of Mallya in this event till 15 October.

It has been said in the book that ‘nothing is safe (unlike Mallya)’. He said, ‘It is. It’s a matter of how long we manage on this subject.’

The Fight Court updates the dates at 10 o’clock to Mallya deteriorating weather and Bhago personally. Mallya was hired in 2017 for contempt and was fixed for the property. The feer court had effected for 2017. The Court has furnished the communication as wealth tax, which is four lakh crore rupees.

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