Kabul: Kabul residents less interested in receiving Covid-19 doses, say vaccination teams – Times of India

Kabul: Kabul residents are less interested COVID-19 Vaccination according to mobile teams.
Pazwok Afghan News visited several vaccination teams in mosques, but the teams complained of low interest in people to get vaccinated.
This comes as the Covid-19 vaccine is about to expire and the public health ministry is asking people to get shots.
Germina, a vaccinator who got the Kovid-19 vaccine at Jabir Mosque in Kabul’s Khair Khana area, said, “We come to this mosque for the last three days, but we vaccinated less than 70 people during this period, the population is more And we thought that we will not be able to manage the process, but very few people come here.”
He said that the mobile immunization teams were working daily from 9 am to 3 pm.
Nijat Ayar, another vaccinator at the Safid Khwaja Mosque in Kabul city’s 15th police district, also complained of a small number of people being interested in taking the dose.
She said that in the past three days, about 100 people, including men and women, had gone to the mosque for vaccination, Pazwok Afghan News reported.
“When the COVID-19 vaccine first came, there were so many people in the vaccination centres, so many people were getting vaccinated and we didn’t have time to eat, but now we are all waiting for people from morning till noon. ,” He said.
He called upon the citizens to get vaccinated and protect themselves and their families from deadly diseases.
Abdul Wasay Saeed, the imam of the Idris Mosque in Kabul’s Kulula Pushta area, told Pazwok that mobile vaccination teams visited the mosque twice and asked people to take doses over the past month.
He said that many men and women had received the vaccine, but given the population of the area, many of them ignored it for various reasons.
He said that there is no problem in getting vaccinated from Islamic point of view and there are no legal issues, so people should get vaccinated for the safety of their lives and their families.
Pazvok spoke to several people about why they refuse vaccination.
Matiullah Azimi, the head of the Chahardehi Center in Kabul, who is also without vaccination, said, “Corona is over, it was a project and it is gone, why should we go to the trouble of getting the vaccine, those who have got it are battling fever and body are in pain.”
Kabul resident Ahmed Wali, the owner of the booth shop, told Pazwok that he had not received the vaccine yet. He said, “Death comes from God. If there is a sequence of death for someone, then the corona vaccine will not be able to prevent it, and therefore I did not and will not get the vaccine.”
Zakirullah, another shopkeeper in Kampani area of ​​Kabul city, said, “I didn’t get the vaccine because Corona can’t do anything if God doesn’t want to.”
Karima Noori, a resident of Khair Khana area, said, “We are crazy, where is the corona, there is nothing like corona, not a single member of our family is infected with it, we don’t believe it.” A project and said that false figures were published for the attraction of aid.
Four months ago, the Ministry of Public Health said Afghanistan needed 42 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine, of which 500,000 doses of the Indian vaccine, 468,000 doses of COVAX and 700,000 doses of the China vaccine have been assisted so far.
The United States also promised to provide three million doses of Johnson’s vaccine to Afghan people after the delta version of the virus spread in Afghanistan. The US later provided 1.5 million doses of the vaccine on 9 July.
At the time, Afghanistan, with an estimated population of 37 million, had received more than a million vaccines five months earlier.
According to official figures from the Ministry of Public Health, more than 156,000 people have been infected with the coronavirus disease and 7,280 others have died since the outbreak of the pandemic in Afghanistan, Pajwok reported.
