Kampil Sibal said that at the age of 80, AQI 500 was tolerated, CJI stunned Nahale

Elderly Compile Sibal (file photo).

New Delhi:

The weather can be bad even if the weather is bad. to protect. We can’t do 500 (AQI 500) at the age of eighty. , We are even more vulnerable and in danger. Our health also deteriorates day by day.

this also further

Sibal said – again dangerous are dangerous, and yet more dangerous than pollution. Attention these are liked like new life.

CJI said in the meeting. – Mr Mehta! You rest too. Sibal laughed and said – on this one time to my side. Especially over and over again!

Post-retirement germs are germ spores and they are gerontologists. It is also said that this is also offered to the health caretakers of the Center and Delhi. Yet Sunday delivered.
