Karachi: Hindu temple vandalized in Karachi – Times of India

Islamabad: Unknown miscreants ransack a Hindu temple Pakistansouthern port city of Karachi The sacred idols kept inside the sanctum sanctorum were damaged on Wednesday night.
Police said repair work was underway during the attack on a temple located inside a hall of a house in Karachi’s Korangi area.
According to the police report, five people on a motorcycle stopped at the temple and inquired about the Pandit (caretaker) and his whereabouts.
Complainant Sanjeev Kumar said that two workers painting the walls of the temple were present at the time of the attack. “When they (workers) informed them about the non-availability of Pandit, the miscreants started pelting stones at the idols of Mari Mata,” the complaint report said.
Karachi Senior Police Officer Faisal Bashir Memon told reporters that a case has been registered against the miscreants under sections of the law relating to causing hurt or desecration of any place of worship with intent to insult it.
Some of the major problems faced by Hindu families living in the rural areas of Sindh are desecration of temples, forced marriages, forced disappearances and forced conversions to Islam under pressure. According to government records, there are 22,10,566 Hindus living in Pakistan, most of whom live in rural areas of India. SindhSharing language and culture with Muslim residents.
Hindu temples were desecrated in Pakistan earlier as well. In October 2021, a historic temple located on the banks of the Indus River at Kotri was allegedly desecrated by unidentified people.
In August that year, a Hindu temple was ransacked by dozens of Muslim extremists in Bhong, a small town in the Rahim Yar Khan district in Punjab, after a local court granted bail to an eight-year-old Hindu boy. Accused of allegedly urinating inside a local madrassa.
On December 30, 2020, a Hindu temple was torched by a mob in Karak district of northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province on the orders of a local cleric. The attackers surrounded and ransacked the temple for hours, while the police stationed at the scene stood helpless.
In October 2020, a group of men vandalized idols at a temple in Nagarparkar in Sindh’s Tharparkar district. A suspect arrested later told police that he had done so for a ransom.