Karl Marx’s death anniversary: ​​5 interesting facts about the ‘Father of Marxism’

Known as the father of Marxism, Karl Marx is often misidentified by many as the inventor of communism. Although he wrote extensively on the subject and devoted his entire life to promoting Marxist theories, communism preceded him. His ideas – on construction, labour, leisure and the cost of being human – have been the pioneers for many revolutions throughout history. While most of his views are fairly public, like his prediction that capitalism would be brought down by a labor revolution and protest, there are some facts you might not know about him.

Know here 5 interesting facts about the ‘Father of Marxism’ on his death anniversary:

his baptism was most likely political

Baptism is an obligatory rite of passage in many cultures, perhaps politically motivated. His father converted to Lutheranism in 1816 as a reaction to a new law prohibiting Jews from serving in businesses or public office.

possible drunk

Promoting the idea that leisure is a commodity in the capitalist world, Marx often combined his thought sessions with a glass of beer. Several reports claim that after joining the Trier Tavern club, Marx became a heavy drinker.

life full of diseases

Marx, being very strong in his own words, was physically very weak. He called her illness an “existential plight”. According to biographer Werner Blumenberg, Marx suffered from headaches, swollen eyes, joint pain, insomnia, liver and gall bladder problems, and depression.

controversial marriage

The professor, opposed to the upper class and aristocracy, was shot by Cupid’s arrow and fell for an aristocrat a few years older than him. Despite being from an aristocratic family, Jenny von Westphalen was herself a political activist. During that era, it was quite unusual for a boy to marry a girl four years older and get angry.


You may have read the Communist Manifesto and his revolutionary slogan “Workers of the world unite”, but did you know that he was also a Romantic writer?

He wrote several love poems while he was dating Jenny as well as a satirical novel titled Scorpion and Felix.

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