Karnataka Covid guidelines for the new year: 10 latest facts

Karnataka issues new COVID-19 safety guidelines

The Karnataka government has made wearing of masks mandatory in cinema halls and educational institutions and asked people to avoid crowded gatherings amid concerns of renewed COVID-19 following a surge in cases in China.

Here’s your 10-point cheatsheet for this big story:

  1. Symptomatic passengers at Bengaluru and Mangaluru airports will be taken to Bowring Hospital, Bengaluru and Wenlock Hospital, Mangaluru for quarantine.

  2. Alternatively, symptomatic passengers may select the nearest eligible private hospital for quarantine. The cost of this will have to be borne by the passengers.

  3. Those giving RT-PCR test samples can go out of the airport, but they will have to stay in home quarantine. If they develop symptoms, they should immediately contact local health teams and go to a designated medical facility.

  4. All samples with a positive report and a Ct value less than 25 will be sent for genomic sequencing to find out if it is the BF.7 variant that is causing the surge in cases in China.

  5. Symptomatic children under the age of 12 who arrive at airports will be accompanied by a parent or guardian in good health at designated medical facilities.

  6. The 2 per cent random sampling of international arrivals will continue as it was decided by the central government.

  7. All New Year celebrations must be completed by 1 a.m., and all large gatherings must be strictly outside. If possible, gatherings are recommended during the day to avoid the cold weather at night and early morning.

  8. People are required to wear N-95 masks in theatres. “No Mask, No Entry” signs should be displayed prominently at all public places.

  9. Customers and staff in bars, restaurants and pubs should have received two doses of vaccination.

  10. Restaurants and similar places cannot accommodate more people than their capacity.

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