Karzai: Former Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai says Taliban were invited to Kabul – Times of India

Kabul: Making a surprising change to the popular narrative, the former Afghanistan President Hamido karzai said that Taliban was invited to Kabul Before the acquisition of the nation’s capital on 15 August.
Karzai revealed that he had invited the Taliban, who had agreed to wait outside Kabul, to discuss a power-sharing deal for a negotiated power-sharing deal, contrary to popular belief that the group captured the capital. Was.
In the build-up to the takeover of Kabul, following months of heavy attacks by the organization in major provincial cities, Afghanistan saw a rapid decline of US-backed Afghan forces.
“It was a request to come in and protect the population, so that the country, the city, doesn’t fall into chaos. And unwanted elements that will probably loot the country, loot the shops…” he said in an interview with the Associated Press.
Karzai told the international news agency in an interview that the talks with the Taliban to peacefully capture Kabul were to protect the population so that the country, the city would not fall into chaos and unwanted elements who would probably loot the country. was done by Hill.
The day the Taliban came to power, he told Karzai that government officials should stay in his place and that they would not attack. “I and others spoke to various officials and we were assured that, yes, this was the case, that American and government forces were firmly in place. [and] That Kabul will not fall,” Karzai said.
While the talks were taking place, the Afghan President Ashraf Ghani And other government officials left the country, in a move that hindered a peaceful transition agreement, Karzai said, as reported by the Washington-based publication.
The former Afghan President, who has been at the helm of humanitarian affairs in Afghanistan, is holding talks with UN officials and other stakeholders in the country.
Karzai said the Taliban government must now do whatever is necessary to protect the interests of all Afghans within the country.
The ongoing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan threatens basic rights, including those of women, girls and civil society most affected.
On Tuesday, a senior UN rights official said that the respect of fundamental rights and freedoms by the authorities in Afghanistan is important to ensure stability in the country.
“Indeed, and how the international community addresses the harsh economic and humanitarian crises in the country will determine Afghans’ enjoyment of human rights, now and in the future,” it said. Nada al-NashifiUnited Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, during a press briefing.
