Keep Your Food Fresh With These 6 Refrigerator Organizing Tips

Different seasons affect our food differently. In summer, vegetables and fruits kept for more than two days get spoiled quickly. In monsoon, the humidity becomes high, and it is challenging to maintain the temperature in winter. Well, these are the problems that we face throughout the year. But if you know how to properly store your foods in the fridge or freezer, your job becomes easier immediately! While some of us may throw food items inside the refrigerator, there are different ways to stack them. This ensures that your food remains fresh for a longer period of time. So, if you also want to know how to properly store things in the fridge, check out our tips below:

(Also read: Kitchen Hack: How To Remove Pomegranate Seeds Without a Mess (Tutorial Video Inside)

Here are 6 storage tips to keep your food fresh in the fridge

1. Top Shelf

The top shelf of the fridge is always there to keep things that you will consume in a day or two. It is best to keep them in front of your eyes so that you do not forget about them. You can keep your leftovers, perishables, yogurt, and chopped fruits and vegetables.

2. Second Shelf

Here’s an idea to store things that won’t spoil in just one day. So, you can have here milk, cheese, jars of spices, jams and much more. You can easily remember where you put it and get access to essentials whenever needed.

3. Don’t Mix Vegetable and Meat Drawer Items

If you have vegetable and meat drawers in your fridge, don’t mix the items together. The functions of the drawers may seem similar, but the temperatures differ. One is at a cooler temperature, and the other is to reduce the humidity. Also, if you mix them, the two may smell and you will eventually have to throw them out.

4. Group meal together

Keep similar foods together in the fridge. When it comes time to prepare a grocery list, you’ll be able to see exactly what you have on hand. It also means you’ll know where to look for a specific spice. Stuff that would usually get lost on a shelf can be gathered in your deep drawer compartment.

(Also read: Summer Kitchen Hacks: How to Keep Mint Leaves Fresh Longer,

5. Eliminate Dripping Foods

Foods with excess moisture often leak out. Cover cans of fruits and vegetables with paper towels to prevent leaks. It will be easier to clean up any droplets as a result. Items prone to dripping, such as meat and poultry, should be placed on the bottom shelf, where they will cause the least amount of damage to other foods.

6. Freezing Foods

Items that we need for a longer period of time go in the freezer. But other than that, if you want to preserve seasonal things like peas and more, you can always peel them, wash them, and store them in containers in the freezer. Then use whenever needed!

So, remember these handy tips the next time you organize your fridge!