Keeping them hydrated to check for hypothermia, learn how to keep pets warm this winter

Image Source: Freepik Know how to keep pets warm this winter

As mercury levels are falling across the country, it is time for you to give your pet some extra care and protection. Winters can be extremely cold in some parts of India, so it’s best to make some quick adjustments to accommodate your pet’s routine. Here are some tips to keep your furry friends warm and cozy during the colder months.

Wrap them in woolen clothes: You can’t imagine stepping outside in winter without a sweater. The same thing applies to your pet. Choose from a variety of options available for your cats and dogs. Make sure you choose the right size and keep them warm while taking them out for a walk. If you have rabbits and birds, you can cover their cages with a shawl, leaving little room for aeration.

Keep Them Hydrated: The winter season reduces your pet’s water consumption. However, dehydration can be life-threatening for them. So, make sure that their water bowls never remain empty. Keep a close eye on whether they are drinking enough water. Always carry a water bottle with you when taking them out for a walk.

Accidents inside the house: Cold winters can lead to unintentional urination indoors. Take them out often to relieve yourself. Urinary tract infection in your pet can be caused by urinating for a long time. You can consider potty training your pet indoors. Pee pads and pee trays can be used for sure as an alternative. Ipsita Gupta, a Labrador pet parent, says, “During the winter, Mia sometimes accidentally urinates in the house. I use a pet-friendly floor cleaner like ITC Nimile, which is 100% natural made from neem Action floor cleaner. Keeps floors clean and doesn’t irritate Mia’s skin, unlike other floor cleaners I’ve used before. Activated with the power of Neem, Nimile also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties are.”

Arrange heated bedding: Never let your pet sleep on a cold floor during the winter. Make sure they have warm and comfortable bedding. Keep the bed in a warm place, preferably where they sleep every day. Make sure the area is regularly cleaned with water and a pet-friendly floor cleaner. Unclean surfaces can cause rashes under the abdomen. Many pet owners use pet-friendly heaters and warmers to keep the room temperature under control.

Limit their outside hours to the time of day: Try to keep your pet indoors, especially at night. Go out for a walk with them in the morning. Exposure to the sun during these hours will provide them with much-needed vitamin D.

Check for Hypothermia: If the temperature drops severely, your pet needs special attention. “Your dog or cat paws need to be protected from the cold because they are not covered by fur,” said pet parent Ushija Asthana of Silver, a dog Cooper and a cat. If your pet is lifting their paws off the floor. “It’s a sign that the weather is too cold for them. If your pet has a drop in body temperature, make sure you cover them with a warm blanket and feed them a warm drink like chicken broth.”

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