Kejriwal launches virtual school for students across the country for the first time

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday launched the country’s first virtual school and said that students from across the country would be eligible for admission. , The school is for classes 9-12 and the application process for Delhi Model Virtual School (DMVS) has started from Wednesday. The Chief Minister said that the country’s first virtual school would prove to be a milestone in the field of education.

“The admission to the schooling platform will be open to students from across India and they will also be prepared by experts for entrance exams like NEET, CUET and JEE with skill-based training,” Arvind Kejriwal said in an online media briefing.

“There are many children who cannot go to school because of issues such as school being away or other constraints. Many parents do not educate their daughters because they do not want to send them out.

“We are starting this virtual school to ensure that they are educated. This school is inspired by the virtual classes that became necessary due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.

Kejriwal said the classes would be online and the recorded lectures would also be uploaded online.

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