Kerala doctor says Kovid-19 vaccine does not prevent infection, but will prevent complications. Thiruvananthapuram News – Times of India

Thiruvananthapuram: Amid concerns of a possible third Covid-19 wave in the country, Dr. BalachanderUrging for increased vaccination coverage, the Kerala Government Medical Officers Association (KGMOA), Pathanamthitta district president on Sunday said that covid-19 vaccine Does not prevent infection but will help prevent complications such as pneumonia.
Balachander said that people will have to continue with SMS – to avoid sanitizer, mask and social distancing omicron as well as vaccination.
“It is very unfortunate that our third wave may happen next month. It is going to increase in the coming month. We have to continue with SMS- sanitizers, masks and social distancing. We should also continue with the vaccine process,” he said.
The doctor further added that everyone should complete their vaccine dose and those who have comorbidities should also take a booster dose.
“The government has already announced a booster dose for people above 60. Those who have not completed the second dose should definitely complete it. Because the vaccine does not prevent infection but it can lead to complications like pneumonia. so it’s better for everyone Looking forward to the vaccine.”
On the Omicron version of COVID-19, he said, “Studies show there’s not a very high mortality rate but there are a few million Omicron cases so far in the UK and the US. Like the Delta version, we hope that in the Omicron version there is Not a high death rate.”
He said, “As far as children are concerned, they must be vaccinated. The government has announced vaccine for children of 15 to 18 years from January 3. The mortality rate among children is 0.01 per cent but as far as it is concerned. Omicron or not. Out of 107 cases in Kerala, children are infected.”
Balachander said, “I request every person who is eligible to take the vaccine available from the government.”
According to the ministry, the number of omicron infections is 1,525 and has spread to 23 states. Maharashtra is the worst-affected state with 460 cases, followed by Delhi with 351 cases. (ANI)
