Kerala reports 23,253 new COVID-19 cases, 854 deaths. full details here

Health department data shows Kerala recorded a marginal increase in new Covid-19 cases as 23,253 new infections were reported in the last 24 hours. With this, the total caseload of Kerala has increased to 63,46,631.

on Tuesday, Kerala 29,471 COVID-19 cases were registered. Kerala reported 29 deaths today, though the overall death toll rose by 854, taking the total death toll in Kerala to 60,793.

Of the total 854 deaths, 29 were recorded in the last 24 hours; 198 occurred in the last few days but not recorded due to late receipt of documents; And 627 were designated as COVID-19 deaths after receiving an appeal based on the Centre’s new guidelines.

The state also recorded 47,882 recoveries on Tuesday, taking the total number of cured patients to 60,26,884. As the number of recoveries exceeded the number of new Covid cases, the total active cases came down to 2,83,676. Apart from this, 84,919 new samples were tested in Kerala on Wednesday.

Kerala government has decided to further relax the Kovid-19 restrictions PTI on Tuesday. The state has asked schools and colleges to be fully functional from the end of February. Presently classes are being conducted with 50 percent attendance.

In addition, it is also looking to increase the number of pilgrims for religious festivals including Aluva Shivaratri, Attukal Pongala and Marman conventions.

“The evaluation meeting has directed the health department to start a post-COVID registry to record post-Covid symptoms and other health details. Post-COVID clinics have been opened and a state-level nodal officer has been appointed is,” said a release issued by the CM’s Office.

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