Kerala: Self-quarantine rules will be strictly enforced, says Veena George

Kerala Health Minister Veena George has said that the state government will ensure that self-quarantine rules are strictly followed in the state. The minister’s statement comes after a person who had returned from a non-high-risk country tested positive for the new Covid-19 variant, Omicron.

Notably, a person who returned from Congo had tested positive for a new variant of Covid-19 in the state. According to officials, he had visited shopping malls and restaurants before testing positive. He now has a huge contact list. The government’s statement said that those who may have come in contact with him should contact the health authorities.

Kerala on Wednesday confirmed that four more persons, including three women, have tested positive for Omicron in the state. Two of these were the wife (38) and mother-in-law (67) of a 39-year-old man, who was the first woman in the state to test positive for the new variant. He and his wife had recently returned from the UK. Of the remaining two, the woman (22) was a native of Thiruvananthapuram and a 37-year-old man from Ernakulam had recently returned from the Congo, the release said.

The caseload of Omicron Covid-19 variant in India is increasing every day. The national capital Delhi on Thursday reported four new cases of the Omicron type of coronavirus. With this, the total cases of new variants in India reached 77. This variant is spreading rapidly in Maharashtra, with the state reporting the highest number of cases across the country.

In Kerala, after four more people got infected with Omicron, the number has risen to five.

with PTI input

Read also: Omicron cases on the rise in India: List of states that have reported new COVID-19 variant

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