Kerry backs India’s plans on green energy

New Delhi India should announce its plan to develop 450 gigawatts of energy from green sources as a “Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)” that will commit New Delhi to stick to this goal, the US’s commitment to climate Special Presidential Envoy John Kerry said on Tuesday.

Part of the visit was aimed at exploring opportunities to finance India’s “ambitious” goal of generating electricity from green sources and releasing coal, which the US envoy described as “the dirtiest fuel in the world”. because he had injured his three. -Day tour with press conference in New Delhi.

One of the high points of Kerry’s second visit since being named US Special Presidential Envoy on Climate earlier this year was the launch of the Climate Action and Finance Mobilization Dialogue (CAFMD) under the India-US Climate Clean Energy Agenda 2030 .

According to New Delhi, generating 450GW of energy from green sources is an “ambitious” target, which India wants to achieve by 2030, but may not be able to do so. According to government statements, India is already generating 100GW from renewable energy.

“I think I had a wonderful agreement with all the ministers who are committed to ensuring that India plays its part and that our partnership continues to grow and thrive…. Finance is going to be a key component to the choices that India needs to make “to adapt and mitigate climate change challenges”, Kerry told reporters in New Delhi.

“Also technology is going to be important. We agreed to work together on technology,” he said.

“We want to work very closely to help, do whatever we can to accelerate the deployment of 450GW of renewable energy. Why? Because it is a huge number. This is an ambitious goal and India as a developing nation, if it succeeds, and I believe it will be a major contribution by a developing country to keep the world temperature rise at 1.5°C,” Kerry he said.

Last month, an intergovernmental body investigating climate change warned that global mean air temperatures could rise by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels between 2021 and 2040.

“I personally urged that the government (Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s) think about explicitly announcing that as part of the NDC,” the envoy said of the upcoming climate change summit to be hosted by the UK in Glasgow in November. Referring to.

NDCs are central to a 2015 agreement made by countries at the Paris Climate Change Conference. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change stated on its website, “They cover the efforts of each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change. Each party (country)” to the Paris Agreement needs to prepare, communicate, and maintain the nationally determined contribution it seeks to achieve,” indicating that countries will be judged by meeting their NDC goals.

Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, India has pledged to reduce the emission intensity of GDP by 33%-35% from 2005 levels by 2030 and increase the non-fossil share of electricity generation capacity to 40% by 2030. India, however, recognizes that developed countries that have historically contributed the most to global warming and reaped the benefits of industrialization should take more responsibility for fighting the climate crisis than developing countries.

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