Khan: Ukraine crisis: ‘So much excitement’, says Pakistan PM Imran Khan after landing in Russia – Times of India

new Delhi: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran KHANwho arrived in Russia On Wednesday, the visit to the country appears to have been described as ‘exciting’. In a video shared by a Pakistan-based Geo News reporter, a Russian official was heard saying, “In how long have I been so excited.”
Khan had arrived Moscow On a two-day visit yesterday, by a Pakistani Prime Minister for the first time in two decades. will talk to the president Putin To re-establish bilateral relations and expand cooperation in the energy sector.

Meanwhile, in Washington, State Department spokesman Ned Price said the US had conveyed to Islamabad its position on Russia’s “new aggression”. Ukraine And it was the “responsibility” of every country to object to Putin’s actions.
“Well, we definitely know about the trip,” Price said. “We have conveyed our position to Pakistan regarding further renewed aggression by Russia on Ukraine, and we have informed them of our efforts to advance diplomacy on war.”
“We believe it is the responsibility of every responsible country around the world to express concern, object to Ukraine in Putin’s mind,” he said in response to a question on Wednesday.
In an interview to Russia’s state-run RT television network ahead of his visit, Khan expressed concern about the situation in Ukraine and the potential for new sanctions and their impact on Islamabad’s growing cooperation with Moscow.
Cricketer-turned-politician Khan is the first Pakistani prime minister to visit Russia, 23 years after former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visited Moscow in 1999.
Pakistan’s relations with Russia have overtaken bitter Cold War hostility in recent years, and the cooling in relations between Pakistan and the US has pushed the country towards Russia and China.
Not only are the two countries exploring options to deepen economic ties, but Russia is also keen to sell arms to Pakistan, which it has avoided in the past due to India’s opposition.
In another sign of deepening ties between Moscow and Islamabad, the two countries have been regularly conducting joint military exercises since 2016. In addition, the two countries also share similar views on major regional and international issues, including Afghanistan.
(with inputs from agencies)
