Khunte stressed on completing the pending tourism projects of GTDC. Goa News – Times of India

Panaji: Tourism Minister Rohan Khunte on Thursday held a review meeting to take stock of several projects under the Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC), some of which were started in 2017 but are stuck due to pending departmental clearances. Other issues, causing substantial revenue loss to the government.
Khunte said the projects pertain to hotels as well as new tourism services such as seaplanes and ropeways. With the first phase of Mopa International Airport being commissioned in a month, the tourism minister said that the existing list of rooms will definitely reduce.
“GTDC had signed agreements for hotel projects, but if those parties are not willing to honor their commitment, we will have to cancel the agreements and start afresh,” he said. “If projects are delayed due to non-availability of necessary clearances, or if the parties concerned are unable to obtain permission for any reason, the government will have to step in and help them… are left to be on their own.”
Khunte also emphasized on a single-window clearance system to remove unnecessary delays in obtaining mandatory permissions from various government departments and said that with the help of Chief Secretary Puneet Goyal, several issues were resolved, finalizing the roadmap for each project. given form. In Wednesday’s meeting, instructions were issued to the department heads.
GTDC President Ganesh Gaonkar was also present.

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