Kidney Transplantation: Dos and Don’ts for Donors and Patients; Diet tips to follow – take doctor’s advice

Lalu Prasad YadavThe face of Bihar politics and the patron of Rashtriya Janata Dal, a kidney donor along with his daughter Rohini Acharya, underwent a successful kidney transplant procedure at Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore on 5 December 2022. Rohini Acharya tweeted, “Ready to rock and roll. Wish me good luck”, giving an update on Lalu Prasad Yadav’s health.

Dr. Rajesh R Nair, Clinical Professor and Head of Nephrology & Kidney Transplantation, Amrita Hospital, Kochi spoke to Zee News Digital and shared the do’s and don’ts for both donor and receiver of kidneys.

Who can donate kidney?

The kidney will be donated only after clinical screening for blood and tissue compatibility (a healthy match) with the kidney recipient. If you have diabetes or uncontrolled high blood pressure, your doctor may recommend against donating a kidney.

Laparoscopic surgery is the currently recommended method of extracting kidneys from living donors for transplantation. Donors will be able to resume their daily activities sooner because of this less intrusive procedure.

kidney donor care

worth doing what not to do
After donating a kidney, the donor must undergo medical check-ups to evaluate kidney function at regular intervals. Do not lift heavy weights till you recover from kidney donation.

kidney recipient care

worth doing what not to do
A kidney recipient who is awaiting a transplant must take prescribed medications and follow dietary guidelines as directed. It is advised to avoid heavy lifting till the wound heals.
It is important to visit your doctor as planned and get medical checkups as directed. It is important to take anti-rejection medicines known as immunosuppressants exactly as prescribed.
Ask your doctor about getting vaccinated against certain infections. Do not stop taking anti-rejection medicine without asking your doctor.

Diet tips for donors and recipients

Follow a diet that is low in salt and high in fiber.

An optimal diet includes fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains.

Stick to the portion sizes prescribed by your dietitian.

Avoid fatty foods and foods high in simple sugar.

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Maintaining good hygiene habits is highly essential to prevent infections and infectious diseases before and after a kidney transplant. Preventing obesity by following a strict diet and regular exercise may help avoid the risk of new onset of heart disease and diabetes after a kidney transplant.