Kill as many blacks as possible: US supermarket shooter aims at cooling 180-page manifesto

Peyton Gendron, teenager charged with shooting 10 African Americans in a supermarket in Buffalo, New York An insidious racist cult was followed among white Americans that minorities are occupying society. He was heavily inspired by the white supremacist gunman who killed 51 people at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand in 2019.

The Christchurch killer warned in a manifesto of the “great replacement” of white Christians of European descent by blacks, Jews, Muslims, Latinos and others, a theory that has found increasing resonance in American right-wing politics and cable news.

Often taking word-for-word from gambling lessons, Gendron produced a chilling 180-page manifesto of his own—in which he stated his goal: “to kill as many blacks as possible.”

Gendron himself came from a rural town in New York State with a small number of non-white residents.

They learned their hatred almost exclusively online, a pattern of “radicalization” that law enforcement officials say has become a major threat to the United States in recent years.

During the week’s busiest shopping period, Gendron drove 200 miles (320 kilometers) to execute his attack at Buffalo’s Topps Market.

all-white town

The 18-year-old murder suspect is the son of two New York State engineers, Paul and Pamela Gendron.

They live in a modest two-story house with a large, well-maintained lawn down a quiet rural street in Conklin, New York.

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Nestled on the winding Susquehanna River and surrounded by forests and small farms, Conklin has a handful of trucking and distribution centers, and the headquarters of an electronics company.

Its population of 5,000 was 96 percent white and only 0.6 percent African-American according to the 2020 census.

Gendron completed high school in June 2021, nearly 18 months after dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, when students were often confined to social media with online classes and personal interactions in their homes.

The New York Times quoted classmates as saying that he was generally calm, even “solitude”, and preferred online courses even when in-person classes resumed.

He had an interest in guns common among rural American teenagers. But by his final year the authorities had received warnings about him.

Law enforcement officials said that last year, before graduating, Gendron said his plans for the future were a murder-suicide.

He was given a psychiatric evaluation, and claimed he was joking. Released a few days later, his case was apparently forgotten until the massacre on Saturday.

meticulous detail

In his writings, Gendron said he came across his thoughts while surfing the often radical discussion site 4chan and other conspiracy-theory websites amid “extremely boredom” during the COVID lockdown.

Much of his manifesto is lifted directly from the “Great Replacement” text posted by Christchurch assassin, Brenton Tarrant, claiming that white Europeans were threatened by “ethnic substitution” and “genocide”.

“As Brenton began her real research into the problems with immigration and foreigners in our white land, without her livestream I would have no idea about the real problems facing the West,” Gendron wrote.

Reading: Buffalo supermarket shooter targeted black neighborhood: Officials

Gendron talks about his plans for attacks, his selection of targets, his weapons, body armor, and other equipment, and how he’ll live-stream it with a helmet-mounted camera, just as Tarrant did. explained in detail.

all-white town

Peyton Gendron has been on trial for the murder of 10 people in a mass shooting at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York.

The 18-year-old murder suspect is the son of two New York State engineers, Paul and Pamela Gendron.

They live in a modest two-story house with a large, well-maintained lawn down a quiet rural street in Conklin, New York.

Nestled on the winding Susquehanna River and surrounded by forests and small farms, Conklin has a handful of trucking and distribution centers, and the headquarters of an electronics company.

Its population of 5,000 was 96 percent white and only 0.6 percent African-American according to the 2020 census.

Gendron completed high school in June 2021, nearly 18 months after dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, when students were often confined to social media with online classes and personal interactions in their homes.

The New York Times quoted classmates as saying that he was generally calm, even “solitude”, and preferred online courses even when in-person classes resumed.

He had an interest in guns common among rural American teenagers. But by his final year the authorities had received warnings about him.

Law enforcement officials said that last year, before graduating, Gendron said his plans for the future were a murder-suicide.

He was given a psychiatric evaluation, and claimed he was joking. Released a few days later, his case was apparently forgotten until the massacre on Saturday.

meticulous detail

In his writings, Gendron said he came across his thoughts while surfing the often radical discussion site 4chan and other conspiracy-theory websites amid “extreme boredom” during the COVID lockdown.

Much of his manifesto is lifted directly from the “Great Replacement” text posted by Christchurch assassin, Brenton Tarrant, claiming that white Europeans were threatened by “ethnic substitution” and “genocide”.

“As Brenton began her real research into the problems with immigration and foreigners in our white land, without her livestream I would have no idea about the real problems facing the West,” Gendron wrote.

Gendron detailed his plans for attacks, choosing the target, selecting his weapons, body armor, and other equipment, and wearing a helmet-mounted one just as Tarrant did. Will live-stream it with the camera.

promoting racism

Despite being associated with mass murders, the “Grand Replacement” conspiracy theory has become increasingly mainstream in conservative circles in Europe and the United States over the past decade.

It was touted at the 2017 national gathering of right-wing groups in Charlottesville, Virginia.

And it was quoted by the man who shot and killed 22 people, many of them Latinos, at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas in August 2019, and who declared that he was “bringing on an invasion of cultural and were protecting my country from ethnic substitution.”

According to an AP-NORC poll last December, nearly half of all Republicans believe immigrants are replacing Native Americans.

And The New York Times counted 400 occasions on which Fox News star Tucker Carlson put forward the idea of ​​whites being replaced by other groups.

Disgruntled Republican Representative Liz Cheney warned that her party was promoting the idea dangerously.

Party leaders have enabled “white nationalism, white supremacy and anti-Semitism,” she wrote on Twitter after Saturday’s killings.

“History has taught us that what begins with words ends badly.”