King Charles Expresses Love for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Britain’s King Charles expressed his love for Prince Harry and Meghan, their son and daughter-in-law, during his first address as monarch on Friday, a significant gesture towards a couple whose relationship with the rest of the family are stressful.

“I also want to express my love for Harry and Meghan as they continue to build their lives overseas,” Charles said in a solemn televised speech.

Britain’s King Charles on Friday honored his eldest son William and daughter-in-law Kate with the titles of Prince and Princess of Wales, which he and his late wife Diana had previously held.

“Together with Katherine (Kate), our new Prince and Princess of Wales, I know, will continue to inspire and lead our national conversation, helping to bring the frontier to center stage where vital help can be given, ” said Charles. His first address to the nation as sovereign.

Charles, who became Prince of Wales in 1958, automatically became King Death of his mother, Queen Elizabethon Thursday.

King Charles addressed the nation on television on Friday. In her address, she said, “Her Majesty Her Majesty – my dear Mother – was an inspiration and example to me and my entire family throughout her life, and we are her most heartfelt debt that any family has to owe to her mother.” May; by their love, affection, guidance, understanding and example.”

“Queen Elizabeth had a life well lived; a promise fulfilled with destiny and her passing is deeply saddened. I repeat that promise of lifelong service to all of you today.”

King Charles continued: “As the Queen herself did with such unshakable devotion, I also now completely myself, during the rest of the time God grants me, to the constitutional principles at the heart of our nation. And you may live anywhere in the United Kingdom, or in regions and regions around the world, and whatever your background or beliefs, I will endeavor to serve you with loyalty, respect and love throughout my life .

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