Kishan Reddy accuses Telangana govt. of ‘deceiving’ youth by not issuing Group 1 notification on Feb.1

Telangana BJP president and Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy.
| Photo Credit: File Photo

Telangana BJP president and Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy, on Friday, accused the Congress government in Telangana of “deceiving” the youth by not fulfilling the poll promise of issuing Group 1 notification on February 1.

“The grand statement about sticking to a time frame on issuing the Group 1 notification by the government has turned out to be false. This is the real face of the Congress party and it is quite likely that it will renege on the other guarantees as well,” he said in a media statement.

Later, talking to mediapersons at the state party office after admitting a few leaders into the party, he accused the government of not taking action against the alleged corruption under the BRS regime led by former Chief Minister K.Chandrasekhar Rao, including questionable land deals.

“We did not expect the government to find a solution to various problems being faced by the people, but the Congress leaders, who had threatened to take the KCR regime to task for its various acts of omission and commission during elections, have been keeping mum. Though there is clear evidence of thousands of acres in capital region changing hands illegally with the kith and kin of the then first family benefitting, there is no probe,” he claimed.

Telangana people had voted out the BRS government for its corruption, family rule and high-handed attitude, he charged and asserted that “there is no need for the BRS party in the present political scenario because instead of developing Telangana in the last 10 years, it has pledged itself to a single family with utter disregard to Telangana self-respect.”

There will be no point in voting for the Congress party either as the “entire country wants to give a third term to Prime Minister Narendra Modi”, he claimed. The BJP will maintain equidistance from both Congress and BRS. “There is no need for us to join hands with either of them. Both parties were part of coalition governments and had looted the country. Such family and corrupt parties are an anathema to us,” he maintained.

Beckoning newcomers

BJP has also decided to welcome new-age voters to join the party polling booth wise from villages to district and state level with focus on youth, women and farmers this month. Prominent people in rural areas will be contacted and explained about the party’s policies besides inviting them to join. “We are formulating an action plan to win a majority of seats in Telangana with Mr. Modi being our trump card,” he added.